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Impossible to map custom variable in Salesforce

  • 23 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Hello all!

I have to map an answer on Typeform into a Salesforce field using the Salesforce standard connector. I have a question on typeform and i have created a logic where, based on the selection of the customer, a custom variable is set with the field value required in Salesforce.

Example: if the customer choose “Abitazione privata”, the custom variable @typeofhome is set with text value “Home”.

Looking at the guide, i have to map the custom variable to my Salesforce field, but in the selection on Salesforce i can’t see the custom variable.

Can you help me?

Hi @francescolonatif2mesol What kind of field are you trying to connect to in Salesforce? (Ex, text, picklist, etc)

@Liz sorry i i found the reason, we had an old version (1.14) and the custom variables were not visible. Now we have updated the package and the variables are present, but we found another problem: on Salesforce we have the field as a picklist so the custom variable can’t be mapped to the picklist field. Do you how to do it or a workaround?

Hi @francescolonatif2mesol Ah got it - thank you for letting me know! I’ll keep that in mind in case anyone else has the same issue. 

As for the custom variable, usually the fields need to match in order to map them. However, our tech support team here might have some suggestions for you. 
