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Ok, so I have set up my second Stripe account, and Typeform automatically recognizes that account by my email. I’m skeptical - is that really all that it takes? That’s all that I can find in the Typeform instructions, but on the Stripe side it looks like there is a ton of coding that needs to happen to make the connection.

I’m not terribly fluent in Stripe (our other account, for a different platform, was set up years ago), and it looks on that side like there are codes that need to be exchanged. For one, how would Typeform know from my email to send funds to the new account, vs. the old one (same email)? All of the instructions I can find in Tyepform only link to Stripe pages for that end of things, and the Stripe pages are indecipherable to me. 

Could someone confirm that there is more to it than just a) having a Stripe account, and b) entering that email into the Payment Question field? Even better, could someone offer tips on what needs to be done on the Stripe side?

Note, I also can’t find Stripe in the Typeform Connect menu… help?

Thank you!

Hi @jshirk Yes, it’s that easy! Once you’ve connected your Stripe account, our builder automatically recognizes that you’ve connected it. 

As for finding Stripe in the connector menu, you actually won’t find it there since Stripe is a connection that is adding in the form. The difference is that the integration, similar to our Calendly one, happens while the form is being filled out versus data sending after the form is completed. 

To edit any Stripe integration settings, you would find the payment question and adjust like below. If you’re already connected to Stripe, your Stripe account should appear where mine says to connect. 



@Liz Thanks so much for the response, the video is especially helpful. I don’t remember seeing it, but that may be because it was so easy that it just happened *like that*!

Here’s what really snagged me (in case it happens to anyone else) - I did not set up my second Stripe account until after I had connected to Stripe. My test payment therefore went to my original Stripe account (uh oh!). BUT - after watching this video, I disconnected my Stripe account and when I went to reconnect I saw the option to choose between the two accounts (YAY!). 

It really is THAT EASY.

Thank you!!


@jshirk I almost forgot that the integration was in the builder, too, until I went to test it because thankfully it is easy! 😂

Glad to hear that worked for you! Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. 😀

Change payment account.


Hi ​@exracehorserider Thanks for stopping by! Did you have a question about using the Stripe integration? Let us know!
