Stripe Payment Description | Community
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I am new, I just integrated Stripe payment. When I get my payments report from Stripe, my typeform description comes across as a LONG code rather than a product name. Is there a way I can create my own description?  I was able to do that with Formsite but it’s not very user friendly here. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Hi @BiddleChick Happy Wednesday! :dancer_tone2: It isn’t possible to edit the integration or pass further information to Stripe, but I can share this suggestion with our product team. 

I can’t think of a workaround for the time being, but if you have any other questions, let me know! Happy to help. 

Hi @BiddleChick 

As ​​​@Liz mentioned, this customization is currently not yet available in the product. But I think you can achieve it either by connecting to Stripe API via a workflow app like Zapier or Integromat.
And update the charge with the desired description.

Thank you so much, I did connect with Stripe but it’s on Typeforms end. I have stripe connected to Formsite another program that we use in our business and they have a field in Formsite when setting up the integration that allows me to put in the description of the product/class. This is so helpful to our accounting office when they are trying to reconcile. It’s also helpful for our registration dept. as they can see what the person/client registered & paid for.  So It would appear it’s something worth looking into on Typeforms end so we don’t have to download a bunch of different apps to achieve one description/goal. Ya know what I mean? 

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Typeform and how esthetically pleasing it is; however, we will probably have to go back to Formsite because it just takes too long in data processing & reconciling to have to figure out a description for one transaction in typeform when Formsite has built it into their stripe integration page. Thank you again

Hi @BiddleChick Thank you for the feedback! Really specific and helpful. I shared it both in an internal feedback channel we have and as a request to product. As someone who loathes reconciling business transactions, I completely get where you’re coming from. It’s already hard enough to do, but worse when you have to lookup what the transaction was!

If this does change anytime in the future, I’ll be sure to post back here and let you know. :grin:

That AMAZING Liz! Thank you for understanding and again, for taking the time to check this out. Here’s some screen shots that might be helpful for what I’m seeing. 

Our Stripe report





TYPEFORM STRIPE INTEGRATION, just our account email no other options given. 


Hopefully this is helpful :) 

Thank you, @BiddleChick ! :smiley:

Not being able to pass along _any_ identifying data as to what a transaction is for is becoming a deal-breaker for our organization as well. Without it, our accounting system can’t ID and reconcile that transaction as it comes in from Stripe, and even manually analyzing via a Stripe reports is useless. Typeform should be allowing a field that appends to the unique transaction number it’s currently passing over to Stripe, so both pieces of data populate Stripe’s Description field. Even if limited us to a truncated option (eg. allowing only 10 characters/digits), at least that would be something Stripe and online accounting systems can scan to qualify the transaction. If other form solutions can do this, so can you, Typeform. PLEASE make this a priority. 

Thanks for sharing your feedback, @Joanne ! Please know I’ve passed this along to our product team. If there are any updates/changes to the Stripe integration, I’ll be sure to post them here. :grinning:

What is the status of being able to append data (tag, form name, etc.) to a transaction description for hand off to Stripe? Appreciate an update and timeline as to when this significant need may be address by Typeform. Thank you.

Hi @Joanne I’m not sure if this is in our product roadmap, but I’ve reached out to our product team to confirm whether or not it is. Once I hear back from them, I’ll comment here. :grinning:

+1 for this feature. We have several payment forms and end up relying on payment amount to  differentiate which form the payment is coming from—fragile to say the least. Even if Typeform sent the form title to Stripe this would be tremendously helpful. Thanks for considering!

Hi @JustineO I’ve asked our product team if this is on the roadmap at all. I’ll let you know what they say when they respond. :grinning:

Hi @JustineO Some good news! There are planned improvements on the way. :grinning: The product team has to fix quite a few things in the backend in order for this to work, so it might be some time, but we’ll post updates as we have them here. 

Hi @JustineO Some good news! There are planned improvements on the way. :grinning: The product team has to fix quite a few things in the backend in order for this to work, so it might be some time, but we’ll post updates as we have them here. 

Really looking forward to improvements to have the same flexibility in Stripe configuration as demonstrated in this post by the Formsite screenshots! In the EU the use of IDeal, ApplePay and debitcards is much more common than creditcards. Can’t wait for the integration of full options between Stripe and Typeform.

You and me both, @JSparla ! :grinning:

Is there any update on this? Silly we can’t use a payment reference from a hidden field or question.

Any updates? What does “might be some time” mean? 

I’m surprised this would be so complex, and that it’s not a higher priority for Typeform given how essential transaction automation is to, well, the world. :)

Hi @Geneieux @Joanne This is still on our roadmap, but I don’t have any updates or timeframes yet. As always, I will post them here as soon as I receive them. :grinning:

I'm disappointed this feature has not been implemented yet. Two fundamental items of a purchase transaction are not being passed by Typeform to Stripe. These are the product name/description and the email field (used to generate a Stripe receipt). These are basic and present in every other Stripe integration I've seen. So I have to resort to hacks and workarounds to send an email receipt and to add a product description on my transactions so the accounting department can make sense of them.

After spending weeks creating my funnels with Typeform is deflating to run into this. Please look into it; this is not an obscure request. It's basic and important stuff. 


Hi @Alex Tsy Thanks for stopping by. Our product team has planned work to improve the integration, but it won’t begin until around June. This is because of the amount of time it will take to complete the project and other projects they currently have in progress. Regardless, they do plan on improving it!

Hi @Liz  - any update on this?

Similar to many above, we are running many events and programs through Stripe and Typeform and need to clearly understand what charge comes from what. I really want to avoid complicated integrations or choosing a different form service. Thanks!

Hey @flyingthud! We've asked internally about updates. I'll keep you posted! 

It’s been over a year since this thread started, and the only status that’s been provided is that the team wouldn’t get to this until at least (last) June. Well, it’s August now, and I can’t understand how Typeform could considered this request such a low priority to keep kicking it down the road month after month, given that this lack of urgency continues to doom its users to have to manually tag and identify all transaction data Typeform hands off to Stripe. 

I’ve pasted in an earlier post from someone who did a great job summarizing the issue as a refresher. As he wrote, what’s being asked for is basic functionality to any Stripe integration, and it’s highly discouraging that Typeform still hasn’t fix this subpar Stripe integration by now (which, unless someone over there can education me otherwise, is a basic API stuff).

Previous post:  I'm disappointed this feature has not been implemented yet. Two fundamental items of a purchase transaction are not being passed by Typeform to Stripe. These are the product name/description and the email field (used to generate a Stripe receipt). These are basic and present in every other Stripe integration I've seen. So I have to resort to hacks and workarounds to send an email receipt and to add a product description on my transactions so the accounting department can make sense of them.

After spending weeks creating my funnels with Typeform is deflating to run into this. Please look into it; this is not an obscure request. It's basic and important stuff. 

@Liz is there any update on this?

Hi @Joanne and @Marnilyn Apologies for the delay -- I’ve been out on holiday. The product team only has plans to fix bugs at this time and no feature improvements, I’m afraid. As always, if anything changes, we’ll post an update here. 
