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Really appreciate any help with this.

We are having issues both in having the source come across to hubspot, it comes across in some occasions, and we are not seeing contacts being attributed to the page they are coming from. 

I believe it maybe a cookie issue, however am struggling with the cookie documentation linked to on Typeform.

Any help appreciated

@jamesdcs - from another user here and just a quick question after watching the video: you said that some users are coming through and some are not. are all of the respondents ‘new hubspot’ records ie new client records, or would some of them be existing records in Hubspot? 

this may not be related to the earlier cookies issue but tied into the native integration in place at this point. 

I am interested in this thread in any event as i am just about to start the integration between my forms and Hubspot over the next two weeks. 




Hi @john.desborough

Thanks for chiming in! 

I appreciated your thoughts, however, I don’t think that is the issue, as the majority of contacts coming through are predominately not existing contacts.



Thanks James.. was just checking on the threads re Hubspot where, if the client record already exists, the Typeform integration won’t add anything to the record.

Based on what you described earlier and your response to my question, it sounds like solve the ‘intermittent’ passing of the data is hopeful of a solution but a frustration at the moment. 

good luck resolving… i will be keeping tabs on this one to see.. cheers



Hi @jamesdcs Thanks for sending the video over! The source tracking only works on the form link directly. It doesn’t currently work with embedded forms, which is why the data parameters need to be added. 

As for information passing through, I submitted a test under the name Liz. Would you mind letting me know if that passed through to Hubspot? Thanks!

@Liz  “The source tracking only works on the form link directly. It doesn’t currently work with embedded forms, which is why the data parameters need to be added. “

good to know this fact.. thank you! 



Not a problem, @john.desborough ! :grinning:

@Liz As I’m in the Hubspot / Wordpress embedded typeform / tracking hyperloop I thought I’d jump on this apparently very relevant thread and just see if I’m understanding something correctly….

I can track sources of visits to our landing page through google analytics

I can create contacts from completed Typeforms using the Hubspot integration in Typeform

I really need to be able to report on the sources of submitted forms without using the predetermined utm URLs - this is because I have an extended network of people sharing stuff and with the best will in the world they wont use the right URLs when they are sharing. I still want to know if the submission came from organic search or direct etc 

I’m understanding that this isnt possible but there is some clever sounding jiggery pokery being discussed above and I just wanted to double check if you’d found a solution between you?



Hi ​@Liz 

I have read through this thread, but my question is somehow not answered. I have integrated my typeform forms on my website with the CMS “Contao”. I just inserted the code and it works great. But: Unfortunately, my Typeform forms always only display “directly via unknown source” The website is linked to Hubspot and Google Analytics. The source in Hubspot is displayed via other forms on the page. My Typeform forms are also linked to Hubspot and Google Analytics and I have set the sliders for “Form settings” and “Tracking” to “on” (Utm_source, Utm_medium) etc. today. Can you help me? What else could be the problem? Or does it still not work for embeded forms??

The embeded code is: <div data-tf-live="01JD4HBP7XPDN96ATF9FAK279C"></div><script src="//"></script>

The page it’s embeded is:

Hi ​@AlinaEf Thanks for sending this over! It does look like the embed is correct, and we tested it to make sure the data is going through. The only other thing I can think of is - on the URL that people are accessing, are the UTM variables in the URL? 

For example,
