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Hi there. 

I am trying to get scoring to display on my VideoAsk dashboard, but I am not having any luck. I understand the way to implement scoring is advised as advanced logic. I have tested this out and it appears to display different to the help article (in that there is no “add to score” option as previewed). I am building a videoask for a client that needs the responses to have a monetary value associated relative to the multichoice questions answered.

Previously I was using Zapier and then HubSpot’s scoring function to handle the transferral of data to a score and then convert this into a monetary amount that is then sent via email to user. 

However, the client has cut the HubSpot account as it was too expensive. Ideally I am wanting to extract data from VideoAsk’s scoring to then feed through to Zapier where I can then handle changing that total score into a monetary figure and then automate an email back to the user. 

Is there any possible way the add to score option can be displayed in the advanced logic like it shows in the help article linked above?

I am really hoping this able to be achieved as it is a core requirement of the client. Now that HubSpot is removed out of the equation, I need to find an ideal alternative. Do you have any suggestions?


Hey @Ash.NZ happy Friday! 

If you click on the + sign and then Edit score it should allow you to add or subtract:



I think it works best to have a series of qualifying questions and then a “calculator” step to add everything up and use logic to send to the correct next steps. Then from there hopefully you can use Zapier to send out the email to the right people. 

Let me know if that works or if you still don’t see it. I normally get tripped up with scoring, it’s not super intuitive 😅

Thanks @Grace, Happy Friday! I will continue having a further play with it all. The only thing was it seemed like there was no add to score option like that which was displayed in the help article. Would the equal or more than option do that job? Essentially for the step below I want to add 595 to the score. Here is what is on my display for your reference:

Another very quick one on the AI chatbot. Is there a limit that you are aware of for how many inputs you can add? I am considering using it for my website to help expedite people’s search queries to pages on my website. 


Hey @Ash.NZ I think you need to click the + sign that’s under the step you jump to:



So you say if they select option A they jump to step 3 and add 5 to the score. Would that work?


For the AI chatbot, there isn’t a limit so you shouldn’t get blocked. We use it on the VideoAsk Help Center, I’m not sure how many options there are but it’s a lot! 

Ok, that’s great. I will have a more thorough look through. That all makes sense. Great to hear there is no limit on the AI chatbot too. That should then allow me to make a very intuitive option (which I was really hoping for). 

A key part of the service I am offering is to build people video forms using your tool - so having an option to display some of the different ways they work is a great outcome!

Thanks for your help and swift replies as always @Grace - you’re a legend! 

Great stuff @Ash.NZ always happy to help! 

Let us know if you give the chatbot a try, would be a cool way to display your talents and abilities with VideoAsk! 
