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We have multiple typeforms published for our business using the Enterprise plan and I was notified yesterday that our published links are saying “you can’t access the typeform until the creator says so.” When I tried logging in to our account to troubleshoot, all of our surveys were gone and I’m being prompted to create a workspace. Everything just disappeared and it looks like we’re downgraded to the free plan. This is so, so bad. I created a help ticket but am not getting a response so I’m turning to this community. Has this happened to anyone else? 

Hi @EO Products You might just need to switch organizations. You can do this by clicking this button in the settings: 


OMG I will die if it’s that easy. BRB while I go check...

@Liz I was hopeful but the “switch organization” option isn’t there. 

Hi @EO Products Oh, that is a bit odd. In that case, I would suggest reaching out to our support team here, as they’ll be able to log into your account and see what’s going on. 

Thanks @Liz. I did open a ticket three days ago and haven’t gotten a response. Do you have any tips to get through to an agent? There doesn’t seem to be a phone number or chat option. I’m really at a loss here. I appreciate your insights. 

Hi @EO Products Our support team let me know they responded to one of your tickets yesterday. Did you receive that response? It might be in the spam inbox, if you haven’t checked there yet. 

@Liz I did get their response! Charlie has been super helpful in getting us to a resolution. Thank you very much!

Oh wonderful, glad to hear it, @EO Products ! Were you able to get back into the workspace? 
