Every time I link to an external website the link opens in a new page and the back buttons don’t work and you can’t navigate back to app, without having to start it again.
I have tried to incorporate this into the code as per the help in the app, but this doesn’t appear to fix the issue.
But users are still taken to an external page and can’t return to the sequence they had just left.
<!-- Add the code below inside the <body> tags of your HTML page -->
"kind": "widget",
"url": https://www.videoask.com/fjhi9eock?redirect_target=self,
"options": {
"widgetType": "VideoThumbnailWindowTall",
"text": "",
"backgroundColor": "#7D00FE",
"position": "bottom-right",
"dismissible": false,
"videoPosition": "center center"
<script src=https://www.videoask.com/embed/embed.js></script>
<!-- Important!!! In order to allow your videoask to open up on the same page when interacting with the widget, your website must use the secure https:// protocol (i.e have an SSL certificate). Otherwise, when clicking the widget, a new tab will be automatically opened in the browser.