How to increase typeform responses- paid solutions? | Community
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Hello Typeform Community 👋

Does anyone know of any paid services to get more responses through your typeform questionnaire?
We are conducting research into females investing to better understand what they know about crypto/wanting to invest in crypto currencies.  

No pre-requsities other than being female and between ages 18-60. 

Happy to paid for responses and wondering if anyone can recommend any businesses that help with this?


Hi @BecEJones Welcome to the community! I can’t say I personally know of any, but @Noorakit or @Paulo might have some ideas!

Thanks @Liz  for remember us


Hi @BecEJones  , We provide freelance service. I am not sure what you need. Do you need building typeform or need assistance for form submission?


@BecEJones - from another user here

it sounds like you need to get more traffic to your quiz. If this is the case, you have options to use ads from Facebook, Google, Instagram, Youtube, etc. that could drive traffic to your quiz.

Facebook allows you to create an ad and target it to the demographic that you want to address - there are a number of resources out on the interweb that would provide you with some guidance OR you could look to the Agency Directory of Typeform agency partners who provide this type of traffic generation service. 

just some thoughts. 


Thanks @john.desborough and @Noorakit

Appreciate you coming back to me :) 

John you are correct I am after responders/traffic. I was wondering if there were any partner companies who might have access to groups of users who can answer the questionnaire in my chosen demographic. If you know of any companies who do this I’d be very open to hearing about them. 

Thanks for the FB advertising suggestion thats something I can explore too!

Sorry @Liz, not much my area, but I was going to suggest exactly what @john.desborough did.:sweat_smile:

Hi @BecEJones Just wanted to let you know that we’ve added an integration with Eureka Surveys so we have this capability now!


