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Hi everyone!

My Typeform is currently being picked up by many other professionals and companies.
They want to offer my quiz on their sites for their customers to use.

My question is, at the end of a given month, is there a way for me to know how many responses came from each source?


Is this available through Typeform or will I need some other integration etc..?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Hi @Cameron Cogs thanks for stopping by with your question, great to hear your quiz is getting popular!

You can use a bit of UTM tracking magic to check the source of your typeform responses - this article from our Help Center should help you get it set up, but let us know if you have any other questions 😊

Hi @Cameron Cogs thanks for stopping by with your question, great to hear your quiz is getting popular!

You can use a bit of UTM tracking magic to check the source of your typeform responses - this article from our Help Center should help you get it set up, but let us know if you have any other questions 😊

Thank you very much I will give it a read now!

Let us know how you get on @Cameron Cogs 🙌

I think this should work. I am trying to implement this now with the other providers.

If you don’t mind a follow there a way to generate unique QR codes for my quiz?
I know I can generate a single QR code to provide access to the quiz, however, is there a way to differentiate where these users are coming from in any fashion?

Hey @Cameron Cogs great question!

I believe you can only edit the link for the QR code if you’re using a custom domain. In which case you might have to use a QR generator for your source tracking links. 

@mathio do you know if it’s possible to use UTM tracking with the QR code in the share panel? 

Hi @Cameron Cogs and @Grace ,

this is currently not possible to do via share page.

You will need to generate those QR codesfor each URL using a service like this one: You will need to include the UTM tracking parameter in each QR code manually.


An alternative would be creating your own hidden field source
And distribute different links to your different partners

Partner A gets
Partner B gets

You can then turn those links into QR code as you please

Great shout @picsoung!

@Cameron Cogs keeps us posted on how you get on with this! 😊

This is all great feedback. I am trying to figure out a solution. I may end up duplicating my typeform and allowing different users to use a mirrored copy. 
If I do this than they will each have their own QR code I presume...

Yep that’s right @Cameron Cogs each typeform has it’s own QR code. Hopefully that’ll work out for you but let us know!
