Mobile display problem | Community
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can someone help me how to improve the mobile view ? I'll take a screenshot of what my tyoeform link looks like in the mobile version. It's so that you cannot see the questions. It's directly covered by the "ok / next" button.


<div data-tf-widget="sN975aQD" data-tf-opacity="100" data-tf-iframe-props="title=Customer Success Score" data-tf-transitive-search-params data-tf-medium="snippet" style="width:100%;height:500px;"></div><script src="//"></script>


Thx Laura


Hi @kps Do you have the form embedded? If so, could you send the URL where the form is embedded? 

Hey @kps how’s it going? Let us know if you still need help with this one, and if you have the form embedded somewhere it’d be great to get the url so we can test it out 😊
