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Hi! looking for help there!

is the number of RESPONDANT, the number of people who effectively terminate the questionnaire?


hi @chacha 

the respondant number is only how much pepole answerd your typform, to see how much pepole viewed your typform you can click “ insights” at your typeform results

thank you! actualy the thing is that i bought the pack of 100 questionnaires. So my question is that i want to make sure that people who just fill in 50% will not be counted as part of the 100 ! dont know if u«im clear!!!!

then you got to make sure that every question is requierd

if not, they will be counted

Hi @chacha If the respondent doesn’t click the submit button, meaning that they start the form and then leave it, that won’t be counted towards your response limit. Hopefully that helps clarify a bit!
