@picsoung @Liz - I have seen a number of organizations that have the IT shop look at low/no code solutions and do a Threat Risk Assessment of the tool. If there has ever been a data breach at the tool company then the tool ends up on a black-list.
given the breach that happened several years ago at Typeform, that may be the case - especially in the Government sector, I asked one of the folks my wife works with, who is the CISO at the government dept, about this scenario and he said that yeah it would happen in there department (ie the ban) .. unless there was a senior exec in the department who pushed hard for the product as the only tool possible to deliver and was successful in getting the tool company to come in and to a TRA and deep dive with the security team to prove that everything was now secure.
(typeform was not even mentioned in the convesation - it was only no/low code products … and hypothetical scenario - we used the SolarWinds hack as an example… )
just a tidbit