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Hi, we are using videoask widget on our home page, but we noticed low performance of this page. Maybe someone had noticed the same and know a solution? 

Hi @eliko101101 Happy Tuesday! Thanks for stopping by the community. I took a look at the webpage on Google Page Insights and it looks like there are a few issues to be addressed on the page that might speed up the page load and improve user experience. You can view those here

I’d suggest giving some of these a fix and then seeing if the VideoAsk causes issues after. Hopefully this helps a bit!

Hey @eliko101101 how’s it going? Did Liz’s suggestions help? Let us know if you still need any help with the widget 😊



My name is, Zack, and I’m having the same issue. Here is my preview site --

Is there anything I can modify on the embed code to reduce the size, or the video quality?

I’ve already tried uploading a smaller file size to Video Ask, but it didn’t make a difference.

Everything circled in green is coming from Video Ask

Please let me know what I can do to fix this.





Hey @Zack Towner welcome to the community! Love the videoask you’ve created btw.

In theory a videoask shouldn’t slow things down as the video content is hosted by us, but we do have this page load speed test you can use to check if the embed has an effect.

