I was wondering if there was a way to see any metrics behind direct videos to contacts in VideoAsk?
I tend to send out direct messages to contacts which don’t necessarily need a response, however it would be useful to know if they have opened or viewed it.
Another fab question, this is something that’s currently on our feature request board as there isn’t a way to see whether a person has opened a direct message yet. If you have any feedback or suggestions of what would be useful to see here let me know and I can add it onto the board for consideration!
Another fab question, this is something that’s currently on our feature request board as there isn’t a way to see whether a person has opened a direct message yet. If you have any feedback or suggestions of what would be useful to see here let me know and I can add it onto the board for consideration!
I guess what would be useful would be something similar to what you find in CRM systems perhaps. Which is usually: Received > Opened > Viewed x amount of times.
My work around for now has been to create a public VideoAsk and then send it directly to the recipient. I will then interact with the VideoAsk myself in order to activate metrics and then that at least allows me to check if they have ‘Landed’ on said VideoAsk or ‘Interacted’ with it.