Final score after multiple choice quiz | Community
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Final score after multiple choice quiz

  • October 30, 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi Community!

I work for a company that uses Typeform for a multiple choice quiz as a part of an examination. As English is not my first language, sorry for any written mistakes!


I have all my questions typed in and have set the logics so every right answer adds 1 point to the score. In some questions they have to choose 1 answer and in others they might have to choose 3. In a ‘choose 3’ setting, they might have 6 answers to choose from, and the 3 right ones will then give 3 points to that question.


The participants should not be able to see their score when they finish the test, it’s only me who should be able to see it.

As their results come in, I check their score and adds it to an Excel sheet with their other exam results. 


My question is: How can I see how many points they are able to have?

Right now I have around 27 questions, but a lot of them have multiple selection so they are typically able to get around 40 points total. As of today, I’m manually counting how many points are able to get but there HAS to be a smarter way to let Typeform do the math.


Thank you in advance!


3 replies

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14868 replies
  • October 30, 2024

Hi @ArosBusinessAcademy Happy Wednesday and welcome to the community! No worries at all about your English. I’m a native speaker and even my English isn’t the best. 

I wish I could tell you there was an easier way to see all of the points they could possibly get, but I regret to inform you that there is not. However, I will share this feedback with our product team, as this would be quite handy knowledge!

  • Socializer
  • 113 replies
  • October 30, 2024

Hi @ArosBusinessAcademy 

You mentioned you are using an Excel using a GoogleSheet an option?

If so, you could use the Typeform API to retrieve the user’s response and then programmatically make the summation of their individual scores and update it to a GoogleSheet (via the GoogleSheet API)  

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5264 replies
  • October 31, 2024

@ArosBusinessAcademy - are you using logic rules to add the ‘points’ from each selected answer into a total variable? that would give you the total of the points available to you but only shown to the user IF you decide to do so… 

as for Google Sheets, you don’t need to use the Typeform API - simply click on the Connect menu option and choose Google Sheet and follow the prompts.. and .. voila.. the responses will be there… including the total score variable you created. 

just a couple of thoughts to make it easier. 


