Thanks for the video.. it looks like you have it mapped and that you have all the steps correctly completed.
I looked through the documentation that i could find on both Typeform and Active Campaign sites and it looks like the issue is ‘on the Active Campaign side’ of the integration - I can’t see anything that would cause a problem other than the fact that if you are adding a new client record with the submission and your email address is already in the system, it should not add a new record with the same email (??)
I found this on the AC site that might be relevant - see the highlight
Contact was not added to your automation or was added too many times
Here are the most common reasons why contacts were not added to your automation:
- Think back to when you created this automation. Was it before or after an existing contact met the trigger conditions? Timing means everything as triggers are not retroactive.
- Automation triggers are not retroactive (it does not apply to Date-based triggers), meaning, if the automation was activated after the contact met your trigger conditions, they will not be added to your automation. You will need to use the bulk editor to manually add them.
- Make sure your automation is set to active. Contacts cannot be added to it until it is. To make sure your automation is active, select “Active” from the top right corner of your automation
- Examine your start triggers to make sure they’re set up correctly. You can visit Why weren't contacts added to my automation to learn more
- If you're using a page visit as your start trigger, make sure the URL in your trigger matches both the page visit and the whitelisted domain. For more info on using web pages as triggers, visit How to send an email when a web page is visited
- If you're using a third party form with the “Submits Form” trigger, contacts will not get added. Use a “Subscribes to list” trigger instead
I don’t know if this will help but that is what crossed my mind.
@Liz - any thoughts??