Start the questionnaire in the middle | Community
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Start the questionnaire in the middle

Hi !

I’ve made a survey with 464 questions ! Those are price estimations on a specific topic.
It’s long so I’d like to let people stop the survey whenever they like and restart later at the point they stopped.

So, I wan to know if I can edit a personalized link to the questionnaire starting at questions 233/464 for instance ?

Thanks !

Best answer by john.desborough

@Gobi @Liz - one thing you might want to try, if you have some logical ‘entry points’ into the survey (say you have sections dealing with hardware, software and accessories starting on q 15, 200 and 300 respectively):

  • create a hidden variable in your form called v_startpoint - make it a text field (url parameters are passed as text strings not numeric
  • set up the typeform with ‘hidden field logic rules’ - that will be evaluated BEFORE the user gets to the welcome screen or q1… 
    • if v_startpoint = 15 go to q15
    • if v_startpoint =200 go to q200
    • if v_startpoint = 300 go to q300 

then in the url you send to the user, or through a shorter typeform that said ‘what are you interested in - hardware, software or accessories’, you could add the appropriate value into the v_startpoint variable that would target the user to the right place in your long form. 

If you follow along these llnes and you can ‘figure out’ what question number to which you want to send the user (233/464 for example) - ie you can determine the last question they answered - you could use the same approach by creating a logic rule for each q# (if v_startpoint = x then go to qx ...) 

a lot of logic rules up front, but if you use a long form like that it might be worth it.. 


just a thought on how you might possibly solve it .. 



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Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14840 replies
  • April 3, 2023

Hi @Gobi I’d suggest taking a look at our article here on partial data

If possible, it might be best to split the form so you can save some of the respondent data and send them to a new form with the remaining questions. 

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • Answer
  • April 3, 2023

@Gobi @Liz - one thing you might want to try, if you have some logical ‘entry points’ into the survey (say you have sections dealing with hardware, software and accessories starting on q 15, 200 and 300 respectively):

  • create a hidden variable in your form called v_startpoint - make it a text field (url parameters are passed as text strings not numeric
  • set up the typeform with ‘hidden field logic rules’ - that will be evaluated BEFORE the user gets to the welcome screen or q1… 
    • if v_startpoint = 15 go to q15
    • if v_startpoint =200 go to q200
    • if v_startpoint = 300 go to q300 

then in the url you send to the user, or through a shorter typeform that said ‘what are you interested in - hardware, software or accessories’, you could add the appropriate value into the v_startpoint variable that would target the user to the right place in your long form. 

If you follow along these llnes and you can ‘figure out’ what question number to which you want to send the user (233/464 for example) - ie you can determine the last question they answered - you could use the same approach by creating a logic rule for each q# (if v_startpoint = x then go to qx ...) 

a lot of logic rules up front, but if you use a long form like that it might be worth it.. 


just a thought on how you might possibly solve it .. 



Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14840 replies
  • April 11, 2023

Hi @Gobi I hope you had a great week! Did any of the solutions above work for you? Let us know if you still need help!
