Privacy issues with Vimeo/Youtube links. | Community
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Privacy issues with Vimeo/Youtube links.

Can Typeform use a private Youtube or Vimeo account to pull in the audio/video?

7 replies

  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 679 replies
  • March 11, 2021

Hey @Digicameron. Happy Thursday! :) 


Do you mean a private account or a private video? If the video won't be visible publicly, it'd be expected it won't work in a typeform either. Let us know if you still face any issues after changing the privacy, we'll be happy to help! :blush:

  • Author
  • Explorer
  • 4 replies
  • March 11, 2021

I’ve tried adding a link to a private Vimeo video and a YouTube one was well.

Both come up as an unplayable black screen.

I’m trying to figure out how to have someone view the videos through typeform without making the videos accessible to the public.

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14883 replies
  • March 11, 2021

Hi @Digicameron Sadly the links will need to be public in order for the videos to appear in Typeform. :( We don’t have a workaround (that I’m aware of) for the time being, but this is a great suggestion.

  • Socializer
  • 8 replies
  • April 29, 2022

Please find a work around or fix this privacy issue! It’s still a barrier to using Typeform with company-specific content.

  • Developer Advocate @ Typeform
  • 384 replies
  • May 3, 2022

Hey @GWatBU 

Did you try with a video that is “unlisted” on Youtube, so only people with a link to this video would see it?
I just gave it a try, and it seems to be working fine.

While I understand your frustration regarding embedding private videos on a typeform. It might not be as trivial as it sounds to implement such a feature.
It would mean we would have to authenticate every respondent and check if they are allowed to see the video. 

  • Socializer
  • 8 replies
  • May 19, 2022

I tried using the Unlisted feature on Vimeo @picsoung. and it didn’t work. There’s a separate community thread about the Unlisted feature on Vimeo. I haven’t tried it on YouTube though.

  • Socializer
  • 8 replies
  • May 19, 2022

Has anyone tried embedding a VideoAsk video? Is there a way to do that so it’s not publicly searchable?

Also @picsoung I don’t think we’d need that level of security to require a login to view a specific video because that wouldn’t be a great user experience. It’s more that when we can’t use the Unlisted videos on Vimeo, or even the password protected versions, our only choice is to have videos that can be found through public search, which is a much bigger concern than if it were only accessible via a link, which we could more easily control access to. For example, if I could embed a password-protected video on Typeform, I could simply provide the password in the Typeform instructions. This would prevent anyone from accessing it who doesn’t have access to the Typeform. 
