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Can't scroll down the page while using Typeform on iphones

  • 20 February 2023
  • 9 replies

 Hi - urgently need help to why this is happening. I’ve tested on four iPhones and the page doesn’t allow you to scroll down at all. It stands still. You can’t scroll down to click a button. It’s only on iPhone browsers and NOT on android devices.


9 replies

FOLLOW-UP: the page seems to be scrolling again HOWEVER there is now a pop-up from our mailing list popping-up over our form. The problem isn’t occurring anywhere else except on our typeform page.

Also - how do you change the layout of a typeform on a phone browser? The gap between the text and button doesn’t look right. Thanks in advance for the help! :)


Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Hi @Miinella - can you try moving down the page by scrolling on the side of the typeform? I think iPhones can have issues sometimes with scrolling when there’s an iFrame embedded. I would recommend making your embedded typeform a bit narrower to allow for room to scroll up/down the page.

Let me know if that helps



Thank you so much Joyce!

It’s scrolling now at the moment. But for some odd reason our mailing list block is interfering with our typeform page.

It doesn’t error on any other page on our website. Do you perhaps know why that would be? We’ve been using typeform for a while and it’s never happened before, and no settings were changed from our side. I’ve attached a photo as reference: 


Userlevel 5
Badge +4

I can see that the embedded typeform has a style saying `position: absolute;` which is why your footer is below the form and the mailing list block is above the typeform. If you remove that style, that should fix it. Can you try that and see if you’re happy with how it looks?

Thank you so much! Is that something I change on Typeform settings or on the page it is embedded on? We use Gempages integrated with Shopify to embed our Typeform.

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

I think it’s something on the page it’s embedded on. I’m not familiar with Gempages but if you share a screenshot of how it’s set up on Gempages/Shopify then I might be able to help point you in the right direction 🙂

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Miinella Were you able to solve the issue? Let us know if you still need help!

I’m also having the issue where the embedded Typeform code is freezing the scrolling on Squarespace desktop version and the mobile version of the site

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @imanihicks18 Thanks for stopping by the community! I took a look at the website, and I believe this is because of the required questions. This is expected behavior, as the form won’t scroll past those questions until the respondent has provided an answer. 
