Would it be possible to have the ref for choices be added to the webhook payload? Right now, the response from the response API looks like this:
"field": {
"id": "VGEKytqoG5pL",
"ref": "question-type_membership-level",
"type": "multiple_choice"
"type": "choice",
"choice": {
"id": "oIw7G6Aav6vT",
"ref": "membership-level_Lev5",
"label": "Level 5 - Phaser Lotus"
While the webhook payload, for the same response, looks like this:
"type": "choice",
"choice": {
"label": "Level 5 - Phaser Lotus"
"field": {
"id": "oIw7G6Aav6vT",
"type": "multiple_choice",
"ref": "question-type_membership-level"
Both the id and ref field for the choice is absent from the payload.
As far as I can tell, these fields were added to the response API a few months ago. Would it be possible to also have it added to the webhook payload?
If relevant, the main use case that this impacts is that we are using a typeform to gather input, which in turn is used to generate a new typeform. For instance, in the initial typeform, we gather the name, workspace, theme, and more, for a desired new typeform. We then use this information to generate a new typeform through the Generate API. We prefer to use the ref field instead of the label to identify choices, as the strings in the labels will probably be more frequently changed than the code we add to the ref field.
We’d prefer this to happen right after the initial typeform is submitted, as webhook response. However, without the ref field, that’s a bit more tricky. We could work around it, for instance by adding an API call to the response API using the token from the webhook payload, but instead settled on a scheduled update once an hour.