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how to integrate a geolocation

bonjour tout le monde, est ce que vous avez une idée sur l’intégration d’une géolocalisation sur un questionnaire??

L’idée c’est que, quand l’enquêteur termine sa visite d’un magasin aléatoire, il doit prendre une photo de ce dernier et le localiser sur MAPS, et moi je devrai recevoir les réponses aux questions, la photo et la géolocalisation, pour que nous puissions le revisiter pour une présentation commercial.

S’ils vous plait, est ce qu’il y a moyen de mettre tout cela sur un questionnaire.


Merci d’avance

-- Google Translation -- 


hello everyone, do you have an idea on the integration of a geolocation on a questionnaire??

The idea is that, when the interviewer finishes his visit to a random store, he must take a photo of it and locate it on MAPS, and I should receive the answers to the questions, the photo and the geolocation , so that we can revisit it for a commercial presentation.

Please, is there a way to put all this on a questionnaire.

very urgent

Thanks in advance


Best answer by john.desborough

@zarita - bienvenue to the Community 

apologies for responding in English, but that is the language of the Community 

I am a fellow user here 

The geolocation/maps capability is something that has been identified as a potential feature to the Product team at Typeform but it is not currently in the tool. 

the other components are possible ie upload a photo in your Typeform if your plan allows for that. 

One work around for the integration with the geolocation and mapping: ask the user to enter the street address (including city as well just in case) - you could then capture the location into a Google Sheet and integrate with Google Maps using an addon - there are several articles that talk about this process and here is a link to one, as an example. 


the folks from Typeform who support this community ( @Liz @Mariana @Gabriel @picsoung ) may have more info on integrations that might be forthcoming … 

hope this helps… 



View original


@zarita - bienvenue to the Community 

apologies for responding in English, but that is the language of the Community 

I am a fellow user here 

The geolocation/maps capability is something that has been identified as a potential feature to the Product team at Typeform but it is not currently in the tool. 

the other components are possible ie upload a photo in your Typeform if your plan allows for that. 

One work around for the integration with the geolocation and mapping: ask the user to enter the street address (including city as well just in case) - you could then capture the location into a Google Sheet and integrate with Google Maps using an addon - there are several articles that talk about this process and here is a link to one, as an example. 


the folks from Typeform who support this community ( @Liz @Mariana @Gabriel @picsoung ) may have more info on integrations that might be forthcoming … 

hope this helps… 



  • Explorer
  • April 4, 2021

Merci pour votre aide et excellent début de semaine :slight_smile:

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • April 5, 2021

Hi @zarita I’ve checked with our integrations team, and while we don’t have any geolocation integrations in the works, I’ve shared your use case with them for some further context. :grinning:

  • Explorer
  • April 5, 2021

Merci LIZ t’es un ange


Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • April 6, 2021

@zarita oui oui! (That’s my best french ha!)

  • Developer Advocate @ Typeform
  • April 6, 2021

Salut @zarita,

Nous n’avons pas pour l’instant de forum en français donc je vais continuer en anglais, mais ravi de voir des francophones par ici :)

As @john.desborough mentioned, there is no out of the box solution to ask for someone’s location.
One way you could do this is by asking before they take the form for the address/location and then pass it as hidden fields.

I built a tutorial that did just that using algolia places suggestions form, a similar flow could be built using google places or any other solution.

Eventually that’s something we could get directly in the form, but we are not there yet.


@picsoung - il y a des anglophones qui parlent français ici Nico lol.. ou bien, qui parlent ‘franglais’ lol. 

nice tutorial btw.. it is very helpful




  • Navigating the Land
  • April 28, 2022

Hello everyone!

I wanted to know if it was possible to integrate Google Maps to a questionnaire?

Like this:
➡️ entering the address

➡️ confirming the address with a satellite view of Google Maps


Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • April 28, 2022

Hi @LucLord Thanks for stopping by the community! I added your post here where we have the answer. 😀

  • Navigating the Land
  • June 21, 2022

Hi, i would like to integrate Google Maps in Typeform so we can figure out where people found a damage. Our project has to do with hike- and bike-routes so this would come very handy if we could locate the problem. Otherwise people need to fill out the coordinates and its to complicated.


Thanks in advance.


Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • June 21, 2022

Thanks for stopping by @brunksy ! I’m afraid we don’t have this integration available, but happy to share this feedback with the product team. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • August 22, 2022

Are there any updates on the geolocation feature? This would be also helpful for the Hubspot integration. At the moment all leads from Typeform show the same location (US / Virginia).

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • August 22, 2022

Hi @flipp This isn’t currently in the roadmap but as always, we’ll post any changes/updates here. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • November 16, 2022

Are there any plans to add this feature? I love TypeForm, but I had to discontinue my account. Without this feature (geo search), it will not work for me. 

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • November 16, 2022

Hi @Geraldine This isn’t currently in the roadmap, but if that changes, we’ll post an update here. 😀

Having Google Maps autocomplete the address field is something very standard today. It would also enable us to have clean data coming from Typeform into our CRM, whereas today customers often make mistakes when filling in their address. 

Adress management is not satisfying with Typeform today and requires our sales team to fix addresses manually, this is really a pity to be spending time on a task which could be solved with such a basic solution today. 


Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • November 22, 2022

Hi @chargeguru I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 😀

Hello @Liz , the “google sheet” step recommended by @john.desborough  might be a good solution for a temporary typeform for a limited volume of responses, but in our case we are using Typeform as a lead generation channel for large volumes in 7 countries in Europe. We cannot have this extra step of going through a google sheet. 

Isn’t there anything planned in the roadmap for Google Maps autocomplete? 

We are currently redesigning our website for 2023 and this feature is mandatory for us. 


Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • November 23, 2022

Hi @chargeguru This isn’t currently in the roadmap, but if anything changes, we’ll post an update here. In the meantime, I would definitely suggest using those workarounds!


@Liz @chargeguru - I still think that this is a great opportunity for a development shop to create this sort of utility that could be an integration with Typeform (and other survey tools who also don’t have this native capability) … as part of the broader ecosystem of tools that organizations could use in their business processes… 


just sayin’ … 

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • November 28, 2022

I’ll pass the feedback along, @john.desborough !

  • Socializer
  • December 15, 2022
LucLord wrote:

Hello everyone!

I wanted to know if it was possible to integrate Google Maps to a questionnaire?

Like this:
➡️ entering the address

➡️ confirming the address with a satellite view of Google Maps


@Liz I would love to see this feature too. Please add my vote :)

  • Navigating the Land
  • February 8, 2023

Any updates on this feature? This is crucial for what I am trying to develop and if Typeform still does not carry this integration I will have to find a different form solution.

  • Socializer
  • February 8, 2023

@greendrive i agree and just found Outgrow which has it and looks awesome 

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • February 9, 2023

Hi @greendrive No updates at this time, but if there are any, I’ll post them here. 
