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bonjour tout le monde, est ce que vous avez une idée sur l’intégration d’une géolocalisation sur un questionnaire??

L’idée c’est que, quand l’enquêteur termine sa visite d’un magasin aléatoire, il doit prendre une photo de ce dernier et le localiser sur MAPS, et moi je devrai recevoir les réponses aux questions, la photo et la géolocalisation, pour que nous puissions le revisiter pour une présentation commercial.

S’ils vous plait, est ce qu’il y a moyen de mettre tout cela sur un questionnaire.


Merci d’avance

-- Google Translation -- 


hello everyone, do you have an idea on the integration of a geolocation on a questionnaire??

The idea is that, when the interviewer finishes his visit to a random store, he must take a photo of it and locate it on MAPS, and I should receive the answers to the questions, the photo and the geolocation , so that we can revisit it for a commercial presentation.

Please, is there a way to put all this on a questionnaire.

very urgent

Thanks in advance


A Google Maps/Mapbox API autocomplete address field would be spectacular. Also, the ability to change american placeholders with a country of our choosing or free text would be terrific. Thanks Typeform team!

Hi @Victor Gatto I’ve added your post here where you can follow any updates on this. 

Hello! Any update about this topic, this will save us lot of time to have geoloc integrated! thanks



Please add my vote. That’s become a huge need.

Dear Product-Team,

can you add my vote as well. This also a quite useful need of us here. 
Thank you

Dear Product-Team,


please add my vote as well

Would be interested too.

I guess pricing of the google maps api is the only reason it’s not here yet.
Unfortunately the adress block is incomplete too (no localization, no possibility to hide fileds...) so in the end there is no high-performance tool in Typeform to deal with locations...

@Krunchy We’re working on the address block! 😀
