I would like to find out of it is possible to use the TypeForm API in order to programmatically make individual survey questions that reference specific values, without using the Hidden Fields functionality.
For example, imagine I have a database of 1,000 customers, each of which bought 3 different items.
I want to create a survey that asks each individual to comment on their experience with each of their 5 items. I.e, person A gets asked to describe items A1, A2, and A3. Person B gets asked to describe items B1, B2, and B3.
My understanding is that I could pass those values as URL query string parameters using the Hidden Fields functionality. But in my real survey, I have about ~20 different unique values per individual.
What I’m thinking of doing is using the TypeForm API to just create a unique/distinct TypeForm survey per each individual. Each of my surveys will be an n=1
Does this sound reasonable? I will effectively create 1,000 different TypeForm surveys (one for each person), put in the 20 different custom values/questions using a Python script. When people fill out the surveys, I will collect them via a webhook and collate the results on my backend database.
Any feedback as to whether this sounds reasonable, or if there is a better way to achieve this?