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for how long are we going to wait to fix this problem? We pay for Bussiness plan and we need to send e-mails to clients.

Email editing temporarily disabled

The ability to edit email content is temporarily disabled to prevent misuse. In the meantime, you can set up Zapier and/or Slack integrations. If you have further questions please contact support.




Hi @Jacb Thanks for stopping by the community and sorry for the trouble with your notifications. Have you contacted our support team about this yet? 

Yes, I did. They said it will take a week. But nothing has changed. We have up to 20 clients awaiting mailing with each filled form and we can’t do anything with that… Not good at all.

Hi @Jacb I totally understand the struggle. I do see that our support team is in contact with you and will update you when the feature is on your account. If you have any other questions in the meantime, please let me know!

Hi @Jacb and @Liz did this ever get resolved? We are seeing this issue on our end too.  Sent a message to support this morning and no reply yet. We are not interested in another integration.  Just need Typeform to work for what we pay for. 

Yes, they have to manually allow it on your account.

Same problem with our account.

you need to fix this because we have a huge problem with our clients

@Kormakopoulos If you haven’t already, contact our support team here for further help!

Hi all, we have the same problem described above with the Plus plan. At some point some months ago it stopped working. 

@Liz : I guess you recommend to contact your support, but I would imagine that this is a wider not personal issue. I wonder when this will be fixed. I thought first that typeform wants to get us to a higher plan, but if Business plan users are also impacted, this cannot be the case. 

@Liz Could you provide an update to the community in terms of ETA when this will be fixed now?

Did they solve the problem? I have the same problem


@TheVitalFive : Not yet - as I mentioned it seems to be a wider issue impacting all customers. I wonder why this hasn't been escalated as it looks like a backend infrastructure issue.

@AnneWartenberg I’m afraid I don’t have a specific date on this, but our product team is working on this. This was initially introduced to help reduce recent spam that had been sending from Free accounts and thus, prevent users like yourself from getting spammed. 

However, please be sure to keep in contact with support via email!

I have reported this to the support team twice and have had no response. Please can we have an update on this issue as there are serious business risks to people like us. The lack of communication is very frustrating

thank you

My issue has been solved by the support directly after some days.You may send a support team request again, to give them an opportunity to review your case again.

@Liz thanks for your support - much appreciated. it work again now.

Glad to hear it, @AnneWartenberg ! Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with!

We are experiencing the same issue. May I ask if the issue is fixed?

We raised a ticket regarding this but does not advise a timescale for this to be activated per the account.  Really disappointing that the decision was made to remove this with no communication to paying clients.  This is impacting us greatly and increasing resource costs.  Any ideas on how quickly this can be reactivated?

Hi @tonychang777 Definitely contact our support team if you haven’t already. 

And @JustinHarley1976 I totally understand the frustration. The developers made a quick change due to a sudden increase in spam to stop it from escalating further. Has our support team gotten back to you? 

Same issue here. Super frustrating. Already messaged support.

Hi, this is kind of a mess… we also have this problem on our account. 😒

Hi @FPteam and @teamazing Totally understand the frustration. If you haven’t already contacted support, @teamazing , please do!

@FPteam Did the support team get this resolved for you?

Same issue. Have sent support request.

We’re on plus plan, but these directions do not indicate what plan type includes this feature. It does say, “it is currently not possible to edit the subject line and email content of follow-up notifications on self-serve plans.”

Looking at our plan details, I see this feature is supposed to be included. 


@jimmietrumotivate - this is a known issue at the moment - due to some issues by nefarious characters abusing the functionality. 

if you have not done so yet, raise a ticket with Typeform Support and they will resolve the issue for you..



@jimmietrumotivate - this is a known issue at the moment - due to some issues by nefarious characters abusing the functionality. 

if you have not done so yet, raise a ticket with Typeform Support and they will resolve the issue for you..



Support ticket raised. It’s quite frustrating when honest, paying customers are penalized for the behaviors of bad actors. They should bear the brunt, not us. 

I also just raised a support ticket since it’s affecting my account too… the notification email is on a publicly facing typeform, and we need to change it urgently. Could you please help me as soon as possible - even if it’s a hot fix for this one campaign? 
