Locked mail notification | Community
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for how long are we going to wait to fix this problem? We pay for Bussiness plan and we need to send e-mails to clients.

Email editing temporarily disabled

The ability to edit email content is temporarily disabled to prevent misuse. In the meantime, you can set up Zapier and/or Slack integrations. If you have further questions please contact support.




Hi ​@woahanthony The support team is going to be your best help! Let us know if you don’t hear back from them!

Can I please have this added back to my account as well? Thank you

@hackthathabit - you will need to raise a ticket with Typeform Support at this link


Hi There, 


I have the same issue. I have raised it to the support team. Can they help me out ASAP? 


Hi ​@EasyShoots As long as you’ve reached out to the support team, they’ll be able to get back to you as soon as possible! If you have any other questions in the meantime, let us know. 
