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Is there a way to get the typeform_form_id from a form? I am trying to get this data in advance of submitting it to my Stripe account. 

Hi @winch Thanks for reaching out! We don’t have this feature natively in our Stripe integration, but are you using Zapier to send this data? 

Hi Liz
No I just use the typeform payment integration - I am ware that typeform seem to be missing the all important payment description feature that was reported over 2 year ago I think it was. However once the first typefom payment his stripe I can see the  typeform_form_id and the typeform_response_id an then able to complete a seach of all those ID’s which really help, though still not ideal. 
Not sure I really want to fire data thought zapier if there is no real need?


Hi @winch Ah, got it. So just to understand, are you looking to know where to find your typeform ID overall? 

If so, in your typeform url, it’s the bolded piece in my example below:

