Webhook for production and development | Community
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The application I am working on has a production environment and a development environment.

Using the typeform webhook, the url configured today is the production one, so I can't test in development if I don't change the url.

Is there any way for a form's webhook to call 2 urls? A way to configure this for production and development?

@santanajoao - maybe consider creating a duplicate form and connecting it to the dev environment … that way you can test on dev and any changes you can then replicate to your prod version. 

just a thought


A form could have as many webhooks as needed, but they will all trigger when receiving a response.

One way to solve this would be to toggle them on/off depending of your usecase “testing” vs. “production”

Thanks everyone for the answers!

 1. I hadn't really thought about it.  Stopping to think now, after reading your suggestions, I imagine that by changing the "tag" parameter I could have another webhook for the same form that calls my development URL, right?

 2. But thinking about it, in my case it doesn't make sense to receive production responses in my development environment.  My form receives a hidden field which is an id from my database, this id is used in processing the response and may exist in production, but not in development, which will cause problems.  So, in my case, it makes more sense to have another form that is a copy of the original to do my tests in development
