Why Am I Receiving Empty Responses When Fetching by response_id Immediately After a Typeform Submission? | Community
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I have a feature where, immediately after a user submits a response through the Typeform embed on my website, I retrieve the response_id returned by the Typeform component. I then send this response_id to my backend, which queries the Typeform API using the endpoint https://api.typeform.com/forms/{form_id}/responses with the included_response_ids parameter set to the response_id. However, sometimes the API returns an empty response, as if the response couldn't be found. Could this be due to a delay in the response being created? What would you suggest to handle this issue effectively?

Hi @santanajoao It’s definitely possible that there needs to be a bit of time to retrieve the response. However, it shouldn’t take that long to obtain it. How long after the form has been submitted is the call being made? 

Hi @santanajoao 
​​As ​@Liz mentioned there is a bit of delay between when a response is submitted and collected and when it becomes available via API.
So many things happen when a response is submitted, and it involves a lot of systems 😅
Sometimes, you are lucky; it went fast, and it’s available right away. Sometimes, it takes a few seconds. It's hard to predict.

If you are trying to build a real-time experience, I recommend using Webhooks; they are quite instantaneous. 

Otherwise, you would have to implement a loop to call the Responses API at regular intervals until you retrieve the response object.

I am currently facing the same issue. Wouldn’t it be nice if the onSubmit callback was called with the current survey answers? There are some cases when we need the responses just at the submit time.

I can certainly share that feature request, ​@IonutSandu !

Hey ​@Liz is this feature available ? or up for dev ? 

Hi ​@ackouser We’re not currently planning to implement this, but that can always change!
