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🗞 May Typeform Product Digest 🐝

🗞 May Typeform Product Digest 🐝

April showers definitely brought May flowers this month because our product team rolled out five blooming releases! My favorite of them all is the conditional redirect, but you can read more about what that is a few paragraphs down. 


Let’s dive right in!


Conditional redirect on completion ↪️


This is a BIG release this month, which I know lots of you have been asking for! Now, you can send your respondents to different URLs based on the answers they provide in your form. You can still add URLs to the ending screens, or you can redirect them automatically without needing to show them an ending screen first. 


One thing to note - this feature will only appear in newly created forms. Existing forms will be migrated from the original redirect feature to this one.



Cookie consent banner 🍪


Meet GDPR privacy requirements by offering the option to display a cookie consent on your form. You can turn this feature on and off within your form settings as shown below.

Read more about this feature in our Help Center article here.



Encourage submissions 🚅


To build trust with your potential respondents, you now have the option to turn on a feature that will show them how many people have already completed the form, in real time. As always, remember to click the Publish button after switching this feature on so it’s on your live form. You must have a welcome screen on your form for this feature to appear.



Nift gift card integration 💝


Yay for new integrations! Some of you have asked for a way to give your respondents gift cards as a token of your appreciation, and now you can with Nift! Using this integration, you can add a link on the ending screen of your form to direct your respondents to claim their Nift gift card. Nift automatically uses the theme you’ve added to your form to blend the Nift gift card information onto the ending page. 

Read more about this integration and how to set it up here.




Wordpress plugin update 🔌


We've completely rebuilt the Wordpress plugin from the ground up. Welcome to a fresh new look that offers more form customization options, chat embeds, and support for custom launch options in popup or sidetab modes. 


If you're already using Typeform for Wordpress, make sure to update your plugins for version 2.0


Take a peek at the updates in the video below, special thanks to our developer Antonio for the demo!



💎 That’s all, folks! As always, let us know how these features are working for you and send any feedback our way.

17 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Liz - the conditional redirect is a life-saver.. at least for me. lol

and social proof via the ‘number of submissions’ is something that is going to be very useful from a marketers point of view.. 

Those two are the ones that are most likely going to make my hit parade in the near future 

nicely done Team Typeform!



Userlevel 2

Typeform is literally the best and most innovative survey tool I’ve used. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Liz - When the ‘conditional redirects’ were made available from the endings, I danced for joy… honestly… some folks may have confused that troll dancing - especially in my house - but I wanted to share a little typeform that I worked up to demonstrate the redirection functionality AND to tie into the Lead Generation webinar series topics that @James has been helping to drive (using Typeform and Convertkit). 

The example below is a really simple version, in that it has one multiple choice question that leads to three outcomes to help ‘turn your brain into an idea machine’ (a la James Altucher): 

  • a demo version (Typeform)
  • a landing page that allows the user to sign up for a free 5-day trial of an email/Typeform process that is the next step up from the demo
  • a landing page for a pay-for 30-day version of the email/Typeform process

Here’s the link to the example, rather than displaying the entire form in this post. 

(NOTE: I’ve checked with the Community folks about showing a form that has a pay-for component on it and have received permission - I am not ‘selling’ the product/solution here, just trying to show the redirects to point folks to different ‘sales offers’ in your lead gen process)




Userlevel 7
Badge +5

@john.desborough Right! Such an exciting release and so many possibilities with it, which you’ve already shown in your form. 😀

@Rishabh Glad to hear you like Typeform! What do you use the product for? 😄

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Loving the idea machine @john.desborough – it’s a fab concept and the execution has been enhanced even further thanks to the conditional redirects. Awesome job 👏

Great to be part of the global educational group

Userlevel 1

Is the “encourage submissions” feature only for new forms?  I do have a welcome screen but do not see any option below “time to complete” (which I have “on”)

Not clear to me

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Is the “encourage submissions” feature only for new forms?  I do have a welcome screen but do not see any option below “time to complete” (which I have “on”)

@Jo-Shan any idea if this is the case regarding encourage submissions just being in new forms?

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hey @kingrah , I just checked this out with our product coordinator @Jo-Shan . The feature should be working for everyone now. Could you check and confirm if you can access it? Note, that it will only show up on forms where there are responses. 

Userlevel 1

The “Number of Submissions” toggle still does not show up.  We have 1,501 submissions.


NOTE:  “Time to Complete” does show up.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @kingrah Can you share the URL of the form you’re referencing? Thanks!

Userlevel 1

Here you go:


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Thanks, @kingrah ! Have you clicked the publish button on the form to be sure that all changes to the form are live? 

Userlevel 1

@Liz Yes, I know to publish 😀

The bug seems to be that the toggle button to show “Number of submissions” is not there.

 We only have access to “Time to complete”

NOTE: the form has over 1500 submissions so that can’t be the reason.

Userlevel 1

Thanks, @kingrah ! Have you clicked the publish button on the form to be sure that all changes to the form are live? 

Any update?

Again, the problem is before publishing as there is not even an option to select Number of Submissions.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

@kingrah It may be best to contact our support team directly then, as they can log into your account and look at the form. You can contact them through your account email here
