How to automatically close your videoask after receiving a specific number of responses 🔢 | Community
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How to automatically close your videoask after receiving a specific number of responses 🔢

  • December 21, 2022
  • 5 replies
How to automatically close your videoask after receiving a specific number of responses 🔢


Imagine for a moment that you own a bakery 💭 


You sell sweet treats made from scratch: cookies, pastries, pies, and cakes 🍪 Your salivating customers love your desserts, but the rest of the world doesn’t know that… not yet…


So you decide to run a marketing campaign using VideoAsk. The premise is simple: customers record a video testimonial in exchange for 20% off their next order. You can easily create this videoask in a few minutes!


But you might want to take a slightly more sophisticated approach… What if you want to limit the discount to the first ten customers who share a testimonial? Furthermore, what if you want to automate that process? Doing so isn’t currently possible “out of the box” in VideoAsk 😢


Where there’s a will, there’s a workaround


Thankfully, I have a solution up my sleeve that I’m excited to share with you! In this community guide, I’ll teach you how to automatically shut down your videoask after a certain amount of respondents have completed it.


Whether you’re sharing a limited amount of coupon codes, restricting the number of giveaway entrants, or anything else that is response-dependent, this tutorial will show you how to make it happen in VideoAsk!


Here are the tools you need…


And here’s how it’s done:



That’s it. Now you know how to “turn off” your videoask once it reaches a set number of responses – all on autopilot 🎉


This automated workflow is also the framework for more advanced use cases such as deleting duplicate responses from the same respondent. Let me know in the comments below if you’d like to learn more about that topic! 


💡 I mentioned the Schedule Close Date feature in the tutorial. I still recommend that option, but you can also use the passcode feature if you don’t want to show a message to respondents. In that case, however, you’ll need to use different settings for the “Make an API call” step of the Make scenario. 


If you enjoyed this community guide, let us know. We’re also happy to entertain any feedback or questions you might have about VideoAsk, Make, or automation in general!


Remember: If you can dream it, you can do it! Until next time…

5 replies


Amazing workaround @andrew_videoask, super insightful 👏

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • December 21, 2022




Community Team
  • Community Advocate
  • 2577 replies
  • December 21, 2022

Another awesome idea @andrew_videoask ! 😎

  • Certified Partner
  • 189 replies
  • December 23, 2022

Woohoo awesome stuff @andrew_videoask!  I gotta say that this instantly made me think about all the situations in which I could put this nifty scenario to use 🤓

Also, it’s great to hear that you’re a fan of Make thanks so much for being with us 💜


@Michaela I may or may not have dreams about Make scenarios 🙈
