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Hi Community!


Phoebe from the VideoAsk Education team here 👋


If you’re thinking of using VideoAsk for recruitment, you’re in the right place! We’ve seen many customers use VideoAsk in their recruiting flow and thought we would put together a quick guide to help you find all the right resources.


You can use VideoAsk to screen applicants or as an application form, or maybe both! 


Reading through an applicant’s resume can only give you a small glimpse of who they are. By adding screening video responses to your application process, you can get a better idea if they’re a good fit for your team and role.


📹 Check out the example recruiting videoask we’ve put together below:

(This videoask is set to preview mode, so answers won’t be submitted 🤓)



This is what it looks like in the builder:



We’ve used conditional logic to create two paths for potential applicants. 

The videoask begins with an intro step with a button answer type to get started. The second step is where we ask our qualifying question with a multiple choice answer type that includes the logic to define which path applicants get taken on:

Qualified Candidate

  • Jumps to first screening question (open-ended answer type)
  • Second screening question (open-ended answer type)
  • Upload resume (file upload answer type)
  • End Screen

Unqualified Candidate

  • Jumps to rejection step, this is a multiple choice step that allows you to either:
    redirect to the careers page / upload your resume
  • If the redirect is selected you will be navigated away from the videoask to the careers page
  • If the upload resume is selected you are jumped to the upload resume step (file upload)
  • After uploading your resume you will see the End Screen

👀 We’ve put together a step by step guide on how to recruit and screen candidates using VideoAsk over on the Help Center here.


If you’re not sure about creating a recruitment videoask from scratch, you might like to take a look at the videoask templates we have available in the Template Gallery of your account.




We have six different templates available to help you manage your hiring:

  • Job Application Form
  • Applicant Screening
  • Interview Tips
  • Candidate Rejection & Feedback
  • Async Job Interview
  • Schedule Candidate Interview

You can choose a template that best matches your hiring needs, preview it and then start editing by clicking on the Use this template button! Don’t forget to switch out our videos with your own personalized versions 😉


Candidate Management


If you’re using an applicant tracking system (ATS) to manage your applications, VideoAsk has direct integrations with Greenhouse and Lever. You can map questions from your videoask to the job post and keep track of responses and conversations. 

You can also use Zapier or Make to link up with other tracking systems, to help keep all your applications in one place!


👀 Check out how Typeform uses VideoAsk to increase candidate engagement in our case study here.


🗣️ Have you tried using VideoAsk for recruitment? We’d love to hear from you in the comments, let us know if you have any questions or feedback 💫

@Phoebe VA - that is awesome! well done


It's incredible how you can integrate your videoask with some of the most popular applicant tracking systems! Well done, @Phoebe VA! 😍

Great stuff @Phoebe VA! There’s so many possibilities, a great way to screen candidates and save time in the recruitment process! 
