🧴 August videoask of the month! | Community
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🧴 August videoask of the month!

🧴 August videoask of the month!
Community Team
  • Community Advocate
  • 2576 replies

Hey Community! 🌞


We can hardly believe it’s already time for another videoask of the month! 


The summer has been a scorcher so far for many of us, and taking care of our skin has never been more important so it seems timely that for August we’re taking a look at a fantastic example of skincare product matching, from husband and wife team, LETTELIER.


LETTELIER was co-founded by master esthetician, Kim Tellier and brand strategist, Darnell Brown. @Darnell is an active Community member and has really sunk his teeth into using VideoAsk in a variety of ways, so we were excited to see how the pair had worked together to create this videoask which showcases Kim’s skin care knowledge and personalizes their website.


Let’s take a look!

(Don’t worry it’s set to preview mode so answers won’t be submitted 🤓)



What’s the use case?


LETELLIER are using VideoAsk for product matching on their website. It’s a great way to showcase your products and help turn browsers into buyers. Kim helps to define what the customer is looking for through a series of questions and then gives clear advice on what products would work best for them. You’ll also notice links to blog posts for further reading, so if a potential customer isn’t sure about a particular product or skin type they can do some research before buying.


Where can I find it?


LETTELIER have embedded the videoask as a widget on the welcome page of their website.



You can click on the widget to open the modal and begin interacting with the videoask, and dismiss it if you no longer wish to see it.



This videoask has been built using the following features:


  • Multiple choice answer type

  • Conditional logic

  • Delay answer type

  • Redirect to URL

You’ll notice that conditional logic has been used to create a back button in some categories, allowing the customer to skip back and select another option. 


The redirect to URL feature will jump you to the exact page in the website that Kim has been talking about, so you can either start shopping for the product you’re interested in, or read more in their blog. 


Congrats to Kim & Darnell for creating an inspiring example of how to use VideoAsk for product matching! 🎉


💡 Darnell also uses VideoAsk for lead qualification, you can see how he’s set this up in our May videoask of the month!


👀 If you like the look of what LETELLIER has to offer, you might like to check out their Perks Program and Wholesale Store.


If you have any questions for @Darnell and Kim, or would like to know more about the features used in this videoask, drop us a message in the comments below 


We’re always on the hunt for inspiring videoasks - if you would like to be featured as a videoask of the month both here in the community and in the VideoAsk Product Digest Newsletter, send me a DM or tell us about your use case here 🙏

5 replies

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5255 replies
  • August 1, 2022

@Darnell and Kim.. this is fabulous.. well done!



  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • August 1, 2022

@Grace @john.desborough we’re humbled to be featured as the VideoAsk of the Month!! Thank you both for your support and warm words.

We’ll be continuing to add to this particular videoask as release new products, blog posts, and update our ingredient list. We’re also going to highlight our Perks Program a little more so that we can start collecting emails/numbers from our website visitors.

I’ll def let you know once these updates have been made b/c I think they will improve our conversions.

Community Team
  • Author
  • Community Advocate
  • 2576 replies
  • August 1, 2022

Ooh yes @Darnell always good to hear how things are performing so keep us posted! 

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1779 replies
  • August 2, 2022

Yaaaaay, well done! I love it since the first time I saw it! Proud of you, Kim and @Darnell 😍

  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • August 2, 2022
Grace wrote:

Ooh yes @Darnell always good to hear how things are performing so keep us posted! 

Most certainly!
