Workspace Invaders

[WORKSPACE INVADERS šŸ‘¾] Meet the marketing guru using storytelling to generate leads

[WORKSPACE INVADERS šŸ‘¾]  Meet the marketing guru using storytelling to generate leads
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Weā€™re back with our third episode of Workspace Invaders, featuring the greatĀ @vickioneillĀ ! Youā€™ve probably seen her around the community answering your question and offering tips and tricks based on her marketing and sales experience.Ā 


A storytelling approach to lead generation forms


Since 2011,Ā @vickioneillĀ Ā has been creatively helping small businesses with their marketing and sales based on her previous experience in corporate America.Ā 


When she decided to go full steam ahead with her company in 2018, she needed a lead generation form on her site that would show potential clients her innovative approach to marketing. In collaboration with a storytelling expert, she developed a unique, engaging quiz based on movie titles to generate a story for the respondent filling out the form based on where they saw their business.Ā 


As well as being oodles of fun to fill out, Vicki's form providesĀ valuable information about visitors to her site. ThisĀ allows her to send them relevant content based on their business growth stage without asking boring or irrelevant questions. After the respondent fills out the form, theyā€™re sent a fun story about their business with the movie titles filled in and actionable next steps, all thanks to Vickiā€™s ingenious form!




We had a blast filling out this form and wanted to share with the community how you can build something similar, too!Ā 


In this video, weā€™ll talk about:Ā 

  • Who Vicki Oā€™Neill is and where she thought of the idea

  • The preparation steps and strategies she used before editing the form

  • Various Typeform features, including recalled variables and respondent notifications, to create an outcome quiz

  • Advice for making your own fun lead generation form!



How to do it yourself


Want to build a fun outcome quiz, too? Visit the handy links below to start yours!


Helpful ResourcesšŸ“ššŸ“ššŸ“š

Here are the links to the articles and resources VickiĀ mentions in her demo:ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹


If youā€™re curious about Vicki or want her handy skills to create a form for your site, visit her site here! You can also test out the form and receive your story at the link here.Ā 


Got a cool use case like Vickiā€™s? We'd love to hear from you and share what you're doing with our community like Vicki did. Just hit us up via this typeform.

15 replies

Userlevel 7
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@vickioneillĀ - woohooā€¦Ā !!!

way to go!!

edited after watching: I donā€™t make ā€˜fancy formsā€™ lolā€¦Ā I make ā€˜em as simple,Ā  as i can! honest.. but typically mine revolve around data from assessments and pulling in the responses from the survey population, etc. That lends itself to a different style of reporting.Ā 

I really did like the way that you had all the details in the email notification to the user: that is one thing that people tend to miss out on.Ā 

great job and yes, I would be happy to collaborate with you on anything!! lol


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Thanks so much, des!!Ā 

I had so much fun creating this that I had to go back and figure out how to make it ALSO helpful to what I was trying to accomplish. Movies tend to contribute to my SOS (shiny object syndrome lol).Ā 

Collecting data is definitely a priority when launching any quiz/form/survey. I always look for ways to stand out or make a difference. Itā€™s hard to capture peopleā€™s attention!!

A collaboration with you would be AHmazing!! Letā€™s keep that in mind šŸ˜Š

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I had so much fun talking to you,Ā @Liz, for this!! It is such an honor to be a part of the Workspace Invaders group. Thank YOU for the opportunity and the engaging conversation. I really enjoyed talkingĀ  and working with you šŸ™šŸ’ÆšŸ˜Š


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WOOOOW. I was glued to my set watching this, what a genius use of TypeformĀ @vickioneillĀ . I love that not only youā€™re making something fun and engaging to build anĀ audience ā€“ youā€™reĀ feeding your passion for movies at the same time (a bit likeĀ @john.desboroughĀ with his coffee paraphernalia). I can tell that you had a ball making this oneĀ :clapper:

And great jobĀ @LizĀ for hosting this so friendlily (is that a word? Iā€™m not getting a red squiggle so I say yes). It was like watching two pals hanging out, really nice vibeĀ :heart_eyes:Ā  Thanks for sharing with the world!!!

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Thanks for talking part in Workspace Invaders, @vickioneillĀ . We are so fortunateĀ to have you on the stage.Ā 

Iā€™ll get some popcorn now i watch the master class.Ā 



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@vickioneillĀ I added it to my to-do list to figure out a fun way to add something like this to my site now, too! Canā€™t believe I never had anything like this before.Ā 

@GabrielĀ I love masterclass!!!Ā :heart_eyes: Maybe we need our own version of thatā€¦Ā :sunglasses:

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I cannot begin to believe how much fun I had watching this! Workspace Invaders never fail to astonish and inspire :blush:

@vickioneillĀ I am currently picking up my jaw from the floor. What an original, creative and fun concept. Brava!


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WOOOOW. I was glued to my set watching this, what a genius use of TypeformĀ @vickioneillĀ . I love that not only youā€™re making something fun and engaging to build anĀ audience ā€“ youā€™reĀ feeding your passion for movies at the same time (a bit likeĀ @john.desboroughĀ with his coffee paraphernalia). I can tell that you had a ball making this oneĀ :clapper:

And great jobĀ @LizĀ for hosting this so friendlily (is that a word? Iā€™m not getting a red squiggle so I say yes). It was like watching two pals hanging out, really nice vibeĀ :heart_eyes:Ā  Thanks for sharing with the world!!!

Thanks so much, James!! I had an absolute blast talking with Liz. Sheā€™s SO personable and made the conversation just flow so effortlessly.

It was so much fun to create this form and think through the user experience! It was fun coming up with the MadLibs type story, too.Ā 


BTW I didnā€™t get the red squiggle either. But you can claim friendlily as yours. I've never heard it used before so itā€™s all YOU. I wonā€™t tell anyone :)Ā 

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for talking part in Workspace Invaders,Ā @vickioneillĀ . We are so fortunateĀ to have you on the stage.Ā 

Iā€™ll get some popcorn now i watch the master class.Ā 



Thanks for being part of the team that created this platform for this awesome community, @GabrielĀ ! I love learning something new every day in here šŸ’Æ

Userlevel 7
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I cannot begin to believe how much fun I had watching this! Workspace Invaders never fail to astonish and inspire :blush:

@vickioneillĀ I am currently picking up my jaw from the floor. What an original, creative and fun concept. Brava!


Thanks so much, @MichaelaĀ !! I hope you had as much fun watching it as I did creating it. Liz is such a welcoming and engaging host that she made the sharing part feel effortless.Ā 


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This pops up in my giphy search for ā€œfriendly lily,ā€ which is close to friendlily, and it seems oddly fitting?Ā :joy:


Userlevel 7
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This pops up in my giphy search for ā€œfriendly lily,ā€ which is close to friendlily, and it seems oddly fitting?Ā :joy:


And itā€™s adorable, too! ā¤ļøšŸ˜‰

Userlevel 7
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@vickioneillĀ very true!Ā :heart_eyes:

Userlevel 4
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Ok, joining the party a bit late, but nonetheless:

@vickioneillĀ Loved your quiz!! This is such a cool and original solution to on one hand entertaining your audience, but at the same time collecting relevant information about them. Really cool idea!Ā :clap_tone4:
(Now I'm thinking where I could apply a quiz/workflow like this in my lifeĀ :smile: )


And great episode of Workspace Invaders, too! @LizĀ @vickioneillĀ 

Very fun to watch indeed. Chapeau!

Userlevel 7
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Thanks so much @NasiaĀ !! I had a great time chatting with @LizĀ on the process that led to the final quiz. It was kind of fun to create, too šŸ’Æ
