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Hey there!

I have a question to which I suspect I know the answer… but I gotta ask anyways.

We have a form. The people who are supposed to answer this form might be asked to complete the form multiple times, in different contexts, i.e., a person might respond to the form twice, at more or less the same time, but with completely different answers to the questions in the form. The context can be determined by a hidden variable.

A simplified example: Alice is going to answer the form twice. The form has one question. Alice is supposed to answer the question twice - once while at work, and once while at home. Alice has received two links - one link, she’s supposed to click while at work, the other she clicks while at home. Within the link, a hidden variable is used to differentiate the two links/contexts.

Alice is at work. She clicks the first link, and opens the form. She fills out the answer, but doesn’t submit the response. Later, at home, she uses the same laptop to click the second link. Her answer should be different, but Typeform remembers her answer, and autofills her answer. She submits the form, which now holds the wrong answer.

What we would like, in an ideal world, is to be able to autosave the answer, and autofill the answer if and only if the hidden variable is the same as it was the previous time Alice loaded the form.

Is this possible?

I hope this made sense.





P.S. Mostly unrelated, the mouseover for the autosave option states that the creator of the form is unable to see the autosaved responses. At the same time, the Response API documentation seems to allow for the possibility of using the response_type query parameter to obtain partial responses. Am I missing something?

Hi @Mikkel ! It’s good to see you here again!

Love the explanation - makes me think of word problems in math as a child ha. 

I wish we had this feature, and we have something close if they’re starting the form but haven’t completed it on the same browser, but maybe @mathio or @picsoung have a hacky workaround? Tagging them just in case! 
