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I’ve been asked to create a TypeForm that will capture a job seeker’s information.  One requirement is to have an ID number generated for each submission.  Is there a way within TypeForm to do this?

Hi @WinDSO ,

There is response id that is generate by Typeform once a form is submitted.

You could as result,  then use the response id to uniquely identify each job seeker.

Thank you @Harsh!

I will test this...

Hi @WinDSO Hope you’re doing well! How did the solution above go? 

I have a similar question. I also need a unique ID for every submission so the response id would be perfect. But the thing is that I need the response ID on the Thank You page. Or to be more precise I need it in a URL that should be triggered when you click a button on the Thank You Page.  I want to use the response id as a parameter in the URL.  

I think this should be possible because when the user reaches the Thank You Page then the form is already submitted so the response id is created at that point.  But I can’t find a way to recall it.

Thanks for your help!

Hi @Foppevdv Thanks for stopping by the community and sharing your use case! I’ll pass this along to the product team! 😀

Hi @Foppevdv ,

One workaround would be to hook onto the onSubmit callback (using the Typefrom Embed SDK) and in the callback you would be able to access the response id. 

At that point you could redirect the user to a “thank you” page  (having the response id passed as a parameter) on your website
