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How can I gather a grand total average for all my questions?

  • 1 February 2023
  • 8 replies

I have a customer service survey set up with 8 1-5 scoreable ranking questions, similar to an NPS style survey. In my generated report I am given an average score per question which is great, but is there any way to average all of the averages together and get a grand total score?


Ex: If the results to my 8 questions are:

  1. 4.0
  2. 4.1
  3. 3.3
  4. 3.3
  5. 4.1
  6. 4.0
  7. 3.8
  8. 4.0

My total is 30.6, I can divide by 8 and get 3.825 = 3.8 as my all in average. Is there anyway to display the 3.8 as part of the summary report? 


8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @wrestling145 The following posts may help you out. 😀


Liz, I think I may have done a poor job explaining…. as I understand both of these linked responses are accounting the score within a single survey and give a “grade”.


 I am looking to total the average together for all of my questions scores into one grand total score I can display on a report.

So if questions 1-8 all got 30 responses each and the scores are:

  1. 4.0
  2. 4.1
  3. 3.3
  4. 3.3
  5. 4.1
  6. 4.0
  7. 3.8
  8. 4.0

Total Average: 3.8

I want to be able to have something generated that states my overall average score for the whole entire survey & all of the responses. I am able to calc this in excel etc. but it would be awesome to have it part of the summary report that is produced. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Thanks, @wrestling145 this definitely makes sense. Have you taken a peek at the posts above? Both of those have examples on calculating an average. Since we don’t natively have this feature available, you’d need to use the workarounds in those posts to create this. 

@Liz, I did take a look, however, will these solutions work for a total as I have described? It seems to me and I could be wrong, the processes mentioned above in the links are aimed at deriving a total score for 1 particular survey and not all 30 as I described in my last example. (I hope I’m wrong and just being dumb HA!) 


Please let me know what you think!

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@wrestling145 - connect the typeform to a Google Sheet and do the aggregation there.. 



@john.desborough I am aware I can perform the ag in sheets. As of right now Typeform has nothing that produces this though correct?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@wrestling145 - if you are looking to get the average from within a single typeform submission, you can create the logic in the form to have that value assigned into a variable that is stored with the results. 

if you want to have an average of the answers from ALL the responses you get - ie 50 people reply to your form and you want to have the average score of question 1 across all 50 responses, etc. - then you are correct that Typeform doesn’t calculate that in the internal/native reporting (at least I have never been able to find that ability - would love to proved incorrect.. but… )



I did look, but will these solutions be effective overall as I have suggested? Although I could be mistaken, it appears that the procedures mentioned above in the links are intended to determine the overall score for a single survey rather than all 30 as I mentioned in my previous example. (I really hope I'm mistaken and just being stupid!)

Please share your thoughts with me.
