Not receiving E-mail Notification of completed forms | Community
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Not receiving E-mail Notification of completed forms

I’ve been battling with this for a while now, 

My email server has been receiving Notifications from typeform for years, and randomly I stop getting notifications through.


my mail server isn’t blocking them, they aren’t going into any spam or random folders -

This has been going on over multiple forms Yet when I test the form the notification email comes through to me. but not when someone else does (sometimes) I’ve missed out on 8 customers and Thousands of Pounds or revenue, - The latest unsent notification is today! Yet when I fill in a test form it comes through. 


Can someone look into this please?


Best answer by Liz

Hi @Kyle R Thanks for stopping by the community! Have you made any changes to your form and not clicked the publish button? If so, give that button a click to see if it solves the issue!

Another thing might be if you unsubscribed to notifications or had an out of office email on, which would then return the notifications as bounced and unsubscribe you. In this case, you would need to contact our support team here to be resubscribed back. 

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Community Team
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  • Answer
  • December 28, 2021

Hi @Kyle R Thanks for stopping by the community! Have you made any changes to your form and not clicked the publish button? If so, give that button a click to see if it solves the issue!

Another thing might be if you unsubscribed to notifications or had an out of office email on, which would then return the notifications as bounced and unsubscribe you. In this case, you would need to contact our support team here to be resubscribed back. 

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1777 replies
  • January 4, 2022

Hi @Kyle R! Hope everything is alright with you! Did you make sure you published the form after edited it? Let us know if this or another solution my friend Liz suggested above fixed your issue! Hoping at least one of them did! :wink:

Hi there,


After completing a Typeform we receive a notification. We send it to four e-mailadresses. Three of them are receiving it and one is not. However, we can’t figure out what’s going wrong. It worked fine till a few weeks ago and nothing changes meanwhile. 

Community Team
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  • 14883 replies
  • April 4, 2022

Hi @Markant Internet I hope you had a great weekend! I added your post here where we have a few solutions. 😀

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • April 11, 2022


Votre outil gère la gestion des candidatures de notre entreprise par le compte “

Lorsqu’un candidat remplit le Typeform et le valide, il reçoit bien le mail correspondant, mais notre problème est que notre adresse “” ne reçoit pas le mail de confirmation. 

Nous avons pourtant bien configuré l’envoi de deux mails après validation, l’un au candidat et l’autre à la boite “”. Nous avons regardé de notre côté et rien ne bloque.

Nous sommes bloqués dans notre process et pensons que c’est de votre côté.

Au plaisir de vous lire.

Fergal Bougerol 

--Google translation--


Your tool manages the management of our company's applications by the account ""

When a candidate completes the Typeform and validates it, he does receive the corresponding email, but our problem is that our address “” does not receive the confirmation email.

However, we have configured the sending of two emails after validation, one to the candidate and the other to the box “”. We looked on our side and nothing is blocking.

We are stuck in our process and think it is on your side.

Looking forward to reading you.

Community Team
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  • 14883 replies
  • April 11, 2022

Hi @ongdigital Happy Monday! Thanks for joining the community. The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my reply in English. 

I added your post here where we have some solutions. If you have any other questions in the meantime, please let us know. 

  • Developer Advocate @ Typeform
  • 384 replies
  • April 12, 2022

Bonjour @ongdigital 

If I understand well you want to send two emails when a form is submitted, one to communication@ and another one to recrutement@ is that right?

If you go into the Notifications settings of your form you should be able to add as many emails as your want.

Here is how it should look 

Let us know if this works

  • Explorer
  • 1 reply
  • June 1, 2022

Hi all,  for some reason, someone within my team has stopped receiving email notifications from Typeform. Their email address is included in the field - Send a notification to (along with 5 other emails). 

Everyone else is getting the emails, but not him. He used to receive them, but since late last week they have stopped. Any ideas?  



Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14883 replies
  • June 1, 2022

Hi @Kelly H I added your post here where we have some possible solutions. 😁

  • Navigating the Land
  • 2 replies
  • June 14, 2022

Our email notifications have stopped working on Thursday 9th - sometime in the afternoon after 4pm?

We hadnt changed anything on the notification settings but the emails are not coming through.  The email account is working fine as it is still getting direct emails.

I entered a new email address to receive the notifications and that hasnt worked either so it must be a typeform issue.

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14883 replies
  • June 14, 2022

Hi @Wilsons I added your post here where we have some options for you!

  • Navigating the Land
  • 2 replies
  • June 14, 2022

Thanks Liz - yes i did check this thread before i sent in the comment and tried all the things suggested but none of them have worked?

Anything else you can suggest would be great.

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5264 replies
  • June 14, 2022

@Wilsons - I had a client who was having the same issue at one point. it ended up being a setting on the Norton/McAfee antivirus/firewall/spam filters that was ‘altered’ during an update to that software product. 

I suggest having a look at that part of your technology ecosystem to see. 

Also suggest that you have your email admin look at setting up a server-side “whitelist” for the email domain.. that should reduce any ‘friction’ from that end as well. 


just a couple of places where i have seen issues over the past year.. 




I had been receiving notifications on completed forms fine until yesterday where I have not received notifications for three forms that have been completed. I completed one of the forms as a test and also did not receive the notification.

I have tried what has already been posted on this thread - has something been changed inadvertently with another Typeform update?

Many thanks,


Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14883 replies
  • June 17, 2022

Hi @MindsetAdvantage If you’ve already given the above a try, I would then suggest contacting our support team directly here, as they’ll be able to log into your account and see what’s going on. 
