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No Videoasks are being recorded.


All of our videoasks (we have hundreds of student-facing curricular questions responded to by thousands of students a day in schools) are not recording answers.


In other words, students submit an answer to a question, and VideoAsk has no log of it.  Furthermore, when we try and send a webhook query to suck the data from VideoAsks API to our database, the return query says “invalid date” and gives us nothing.

It’s as if the student work doesn’t exist at all.

Obviously, this is a huge problem.

We emailed/VideoAsk’d support through our account button at the bottom-left “VideoAsk Us,” but no ticket seems to have been auto-generated and we never got an email receipt that the ticket was created.

Please advise.

We’ll follow-up with more details via email with someone from VideoAsk directly.



Thanks for sharing this information, @ImpacterPathway! I’ve escalated this to our engineering team. Keep an eye on our status page for updates. Thanks for your patience here, I totally understand the inconvenience. 

@andrew_videoask feel free to email directly so we can provide more specific information to help your team resolve this issue.

In the meantime, we absolutely need to know if the student responses are gone and were never recorded.  If so, we’ll need to advise teachers to re-teach the lesson and provide the opportunity for students to re-record.

If not, we can simply inform students and families that there is a delay in displaying their student work in their dashboards.

Please advise.


Hi @ImpacterPathwaytypically when we experience outages like these, the responses are simply delayed (not lost). That being said, I don’t want to guarantee that this will be the case. 

Our engineering team is currently investigating. Thanks again for your insight and patience!

ok.  That’s what we figured.  Because the webhook triggers we have in place are working.  So, it seems something is being recorded somewhere.


For what it’s worth to the engineers --- it kind of appears that there’s a date calculation error that causing a bug somewhere and not allowing typically process automations to take place as scheduled.


Thank you, @ImpacterPathway! I’ll share this info with them.

Hey @ImpacterPathway just wanted to drop in here to say thanks for flagging this issue and for all the additional info you provided! The engineers have been doing a post-mortem on what happened so hopefully we’ll have some more info to share but in the meantime everything should be working as normal. 

Thanks so much again, have a great weekend! 
