We have build up thousands of contact details in our VideoAsk account and we need to delete them - is the only way to do so really only individual deletion? This will take forever!
For the purposes of cleaning up the folder en masse, I would think that exporting to a .cav as probably the best way to do it. Once exported, it would be easier, I would think, to clean up the list from there.
These may help for exporting:
And importing:
If you need it to be just the cleaned up list in a folder on VideoAsk, then I wonder if you could import your cleaned up list to a new / different folder perhaps?
Then if happy with that outcome, perhaps you can delete the original folder (which may delete all the VideoAsk’s within). A note, I haven’t tried this before, but by having a .csv you then ensure you don’t lose anything valuable that you didn’t want to lose.
I don’t quite know, as I haven’t tried it yet, whether all responses could be imported back along with contact info if that may be part of your plan to keep certain ones.
Hope that may help as a consideration. I would be interested to hear how you get on!
Hi Ash,
Thanks for your comments. One thing to bear in mind is that deleting VideoAsks is not the same as deleting contacts. To delete VideoAsks, I have done in the past as you say and deleted whole folders after copying the VideoAsk journey and it’s a good solution.
I’m stuck with deleting Contacts as having +3000 in our account means doing so individually is not really an option.
Also, when it comes to identifying which ones are over 12 months old as per our retention policy, it is not an easy task as each Contact must be opened to view the date.
I think this requires some attention from the VideoAsk team.
Thanks for the tag
Thanks both - I’ll follow up with the support team as you say.
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