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If you celebrate the holiday season, happy holidays to you! Otherwise, happy winter season and nearly new year! I think most of us can agree that we’re about ready for this year to be over. 


Gabriel has entrusted me with these lovely roundups each month. Why he still trusts me, I’m not sure, but regardless, the past few months have been quite active. From tricky logic jumps to creative typeform use-cases to friendly conversations in the Barception, it’s been a great way to end the year and get inspired for the next one. 


📈 Since November, we had 822 new members join, and we’re currently at a total of 10,109 creators. 


🗣️ 991 conversations were started by our members and 920 likes were handed out. 


👀 71,784 visitors stopped by the community - 31,739 of those unique views. 


✅ 72.87% of questions had an answer - yay! 


Here are some of the highlights from last month: 


Our Workspace Invaders series has been on fire these last few months covering all sorts of scenarios like lead-gen forms, resume builders, automations for days and charities solely using Typeform to operate. Our most recent one featured Leander Howard II from Spark Your Resume. If you’ve been looking to up your automation game, take a read over our newest post to learn more about Leander’s epic automation process. 


@paul  ‘s latest Meaningful Monday with David Aaker covered all things branding. If you’re wondering how you can make your brand more meaningful and relatable, check out Paul’s conversation with David here


Not to toot my own horn but...I’ve been recording a plethora of short tutorials to walk you through our newest features, my favorite of those being the option to finally add your brand logo to typeforms.If you’re anything like @john.desborough  and have about a thousand Typeforms to show off, our fancy feature will come in handy for you. Or, if you’re having trouble logging into your account, @carlota.burrel  from our Compliance team created this breakdown of reasons why you may not be able to access your account. 


We also dropped a new series, Under the Hood, to dive even deeper into our new integrations and applications. Rachel and @kabir.mathur  gave an in-depth look into Version 2 of our Hubspot integration, and Raul shared what his workday actually consists of during his Calendly demo. You can view the Calendly edition here


Shout out to @john.desborough @belinda_long  @Paulo  @jerky  @bella.moore  @TFJunkie  @Michaela  for hanging out with us at the virtual Barception. We’ve had a blast talking about Paulo’s move (and his daughters learning to Marie Kondo their life!), Belinda’s adventures in Chile, and, as always, Des’s fantastic taste in food and coffee. 


See you all next month, and have a wonderful rest of the year!


and just to update @Liz ‘s numbers: we are over 10k members here in the community. this is awesome. 

Yes there are always going to be features we want added to the tool BUT i also think that we need to make sure that we, as users, ARE making the most out of what IS available. 

How you use this tool to implement creative solutions to business problems is what you can always find in here..  sometimes there it just isn’t possible but we always try to find a work around that might work. Don’t be a hater if that doesn’t work ‘in your circumstance’ … be thankful that someone took time out of their day to try and help. 

Enjoy the holiday season wherever you are and however/if you celebrate at this time of year. 



Ah! Thank you, @john.desborough ! Clearly I wrote this before we hit 10k. :joy:

If anyone’s a master at creative solutions with Typeform, it’s you ha!

Excited to see what everyone creates in the new year! 

@Liz I think it’s quite clear the reason @Gabriel has entrusted you with the monthly roundups. You're great at it!:smile:

And I am still in love with adding my brand logo to my typeforms!:heart_eyes:

What a wonderful roundup @Liz :heart_eyes: It’s always a pleasure to be chatting with all of you lovely people!

@Liz I think it’s quite clear the reason @Gabriel has entrusted you with the monthly roundups. You're great at it!:smile:

And I am still in love with adding my brand logo to my typeforms!:heart_eyes:

Add :clap_tone2: all  :clap_tone2: the  :clap_tone2: logos, @Paulo !


 Happy Holidays 🎊 to everyone!


Hope 2022 will be some best, highly likely.



@K_Radosveta Happy Holidays to you as well! 

