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Any way to include javascript or custom code of any kind?

  • 10 June 2021
  • 9 replies

simple i want to add a color picker wheel to a question

as i use typeform for design references


there is no easy way for a client to specify an exact color….which kinda sucks

9 replies

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Hi @App God Thanks for stopping by! It isn’t possible to add your own code to the form, and this is because we wouldn’t be able to guarantee that the form would work. Though, if you have any requests or features you’d like to see, I’d encourage you to add them here!



Hey @Liz , I’d be looking to add some custom code that doesn’t modify the page -- just for telemetry.  For example, our Typeform forms are a crucial part of some customer experiences and they’re currently a complete blindspot for FullStory sessions.  I’d like the option to include the same scripts we have in our own product to provide a seamless experience for our customers and for us.  Those include:

  • Google Analytics
  • FullStory
  • Heap
  • HubSpot (for chat)
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Thanks, @collaborator_5 for stopping by! It’s not possible to add code to our forms, so you would need to embed the form on your website and add the codes there. 

Hey, thanks, @Liz for the quick reply.  The type of analysis we’re looking to do on user behavior inside the form isn’t supported via an embed, since web security constraints prevent any of our telemetry providers from “seeing” or otherwise engaging with what’s happening inside the frame.  So that approach doesn’t add any value right now.  

Is this something that will ever be considered, or are there technical or business constraints that are unlikely to make this possible?

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Hi @collaborator_5 Allowing the option to add custom code to the forms isn’t on the roadmap, but I can share this feedback/information with the product team. 😁

hello typeform

One of our clients wants a form that has animations and button customization etc. and integrate it with typeform.

Is there a way to create a custom form in html+css+js and send the data to typeform?

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Hi @dach I’ve added your post here where we have more information about adding/editing a form with custom code. 


I simply want to alter the relative size and weights of the typography used on a form to comply with the Brand guidelines of a client.

I dont understand why a simple CSS editor cannot be included to be used at our own risk.  This is driving us away from typeform again….. how the forms look is a critical part of the UI/UX and this is stopping us using Typeform - for the third consecutive project…!!  Can anyone else who is concerned about the absence of CSS override for pro users add their voice here? 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @IsoChris Thanks for stopping by the community. I’ve posted your comment in this thread where we have an existing discussion about this. I’ve also passed feedback along to our product team about having the ability to upload custom fonts/branding/etc, so hopefully the use case you’ve shared will help encourage that feature!
