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Hello, I want to use Typeform for a Survey in my Company but I have to limit one answer per person. How can I do that? Thanks

Hey @Beth. Happy Monday and welcome to our Community! :hugging:


We don’t currently offer a way to automatically prevent people answering a typeform more than once, but here's a way you can detect this: 

You can embed the typeform in a page with cookies that does not allow the respondent to view the typeform more than once (this option will require someone with coding skills on your side). You can use this cookie resource for embedded typeforms. =)


Hope this helps! 

Is there any way to prevent duplicated submissions without coding and easy?


Hi @AOC thanks for stopping by! I added your question here where we have the answer. Let us know if you think of anything else!

I’m new to Typeform and just finished drafting my first survey, which will be sent out via email to a known list of residents in our city to gather feedback on a public works project in the area. We want the survey to be anonymous, but are concerned with people filling it out multiple times to skew the results in their direction.

Is there any way to prevent people from submitting multiple responses? How have others dealt with this issue?



Hey @Hans. Welcome to the Community! :hugging:


I moved your question here so you can check the conversation above for more context =) Hope this helps! 

Contacts will buy a ticket for 2 and I want to use a form for them to register their invitee with email. How can I configure the form to make sure 1 contact can only fill the form once? 

Thanks so much in advance! 

Hey @MamisDigitales. Welcome to the Typeform Community :hugging:


I moved your question here where the answer is. 🙂 Hope this helps!



I have an internal events for voting and, i would like one employee can do only one vote. However, it seems that one employee can vote several times.. 

How can i do change ? 


Thank you!

Best regards,

Hi @Gyusung. Welcome to the Typeform Community :hugging:


I moved your question here where the answer is. Let me know if you have any further questions =)

I think this would be a smart thing to add to Typeform surveys.  If someone is really using this for something important, multiple submissions will change the outcome.

Why suggest WE do special coding, when Typeform could make this an on/off setting?

@LBaucom - from another user

I am sort of on the side of Typeform on this one - there are too many factors that could potentially have to be validated across the data set for a survey for Typeform to prevent someone from starting or submitting a second response. Given that the data is not sent to the Typeform engine until submit, it becomes our (as users) responsibility to determine if someone CAN access the form in advance or to determine if multiple responses have been made

If this is THAT important, then there are ways to limit the inclusion of additional responses by the same email/user id that are fairly simple to implement in something like Google Sheets - simply have your reporting/analysis determine if multiple entries have been made by the same unique identifier (ie email) and then only accept the first entry based on the timestamp. 

Typeform is one part of the processes that we create and run in our organizations - it doesn’t have to be everything ie a Swiss Army knife. 

just my opinion, (according to my grannie, opinions are like backsides, some are just bigger than others lol.. ) - it’s not right nor is it wrong, it’s just an opinion. 




I want to conduct a feedback survey but would like the participants to respond only once to the form. Is there any way to allow only 1 response submission per person. 

Hello @A_Rai! Welcome to the Typeform Community! :blue_heart:

I've moved your question to this thread where you'll be able to find the answer. My friend @Mariana suggested a workaround that might help you with that! :wink:

I’m not sure it’s fair to charge customers on a per entry basis when you can’t offer a basic level of control over duplicated entries.  I don’t expect to have to spend time on ‘workarounds’ when I pay hundreds of pounds for something.  Disappointing. 


I´m using Typeform to create a 360º assessment for a population of 290 assessors. 

As some of the assessors will have to assess up to 12 people, I need Typeform to “remember” them they have previously completed that assessment.

I mean, let´s say I do have to assess Mr. X and MS. Y but I can´t remember if I have completed one or the other, so I log into Typeform and as I had assessed Mr. X before I get a message saying “Sorry, you´ve previously completed this assessment ” and takes me off the Typeform

Is this possible anyway? Thanks a lot

Hi again, @Javier.Rubio_Coach - I added your post here where we have the answer. Let us know if you have any other questions!

Good morning.

I have a quick question... Is there a way to make sure that one employee does not answer twice or three times to the same poll?

Thank you

Hi @ignacioalarcon I hope you’re doing well! I added your post here where we have the answer. Let us know if you have any other questions! :grinning:

Hello Everyone!
I am wondering if there is a way to control that each partecipant in the survey answer only once.
I would like to be sure that one click =one answer.
Thank you in advance for the support!

Hi @Anna NA Thanks for stopping by! I added your post here where we have the answer. Let us know if you have any other questions! :grin:

Is it possible to restrict entries to a form to one per user?

I think this is pretty much a fundamental requirement of any online quizz or poll platform but cannot see anywhere in settings where this is possible nor find a report that shows IP addresses alongside a time stamp that might be used to eliminate duplicated responses.

Hi @Jen Apiam Welcome to the community! I added your post here where we have the answer. :grinning:

This is really a fundamental aspect of any polling or quiz platform. I find it hard to understand why it is not addressed as a core component. Typeform has some excellent attributes however we will seek an alternative that offers a more robust and complete solution out of the box. I hesitate in returning to Survey Monkey but that looks like the only solution other than working with a hack solution to make Typeform fit this most basic of requirements. 


I will create a quick survey (similar to the feedback typeform you have on the right page on this page) and I will use the pop up option to display the survey after a given time.  however, i don’t want to pop-up the survey to those that have already completed it.   How can i achieve this? 

Thank you,



Hi @Jen Apiam I asked the product team about this, and they let me know that this hasn’t been a feature yet because they weren’t tracking unique respondents. It is something they are planning to look into (though I don’t have any specific timelines on this). 
