Team, I use both Typeform and VideoAsk. Am I correct in understanding that VideoAsk does not support advance logic (variables) currently?
I’m asking respondents to self-assess in six categories. (6 questions with multiple choice responses). After they answer those six questions, I’d like to perform calculations based on their answers to determine where they go next. I know how to do that in Typeform. It doesn’t appear possible in VideoAsk.
First of all, that is awesome that you’re using both tools! You’ll see as you explore both that there are many things in common and other things that are quite different between Typeform and VideoAsk. One of those differences (for now!) is that VideoAsk does not allow for more advanced logic or scoring/calculating.
With VideoAsk you can of course use logicto move respondents through a unique flow with each answer they choose (for example, if they select option A go to Step 2, if they select option B go to Step 4, etc.) and redirect people from your videoask to other websites (or even another videoask or a typeform!) You can also pass along known information in the videoask URL with variables (known in Typeform as hidden fields)
First of all, that is awesome that you’re using both tools! You’ll see as you explore both that there are many things in common and other things that are quite different between Typeform and VideoAsk. One of those differences (for now!) is that VideoAsk does not allow for more advanced logic or scoring/calculating.
With VideoAsk you can of course use logicto move respondents through a unique flow with each answer they choose (for example, if they select option A go to Step 2, if they select option B go to Step 4, etc.) and redirect people from your videoask to other websites (or even another videoask or a typeform!) You can also pass along known information in the videoask URL with variables (known in Typeform as hidden fields)
I’m having the exact same issue than @BBBu. I would like to score with a numeric value each question of my quiz so that in the end, depending on the resulting sum, you get different endings. Does anyone know if this is now possible in VideoAsk?
Here is a (overly) simplified example of what I am doing:
Assume that I want to post the same VideoAsk survey on Facebook and on Instagram, and that I would like to redirect the users back to FB/myname if they came from FB and back to IG/myname if they came from IG.
I’d like to be able to do that by adding a custom variable “source” and then including “...&source=Facebook...” for the FB post and “...&source=Instagram...” for the IG post.
Then, at the end, I’d like to do something like: IF ( source = Facebook ) THEN redirect to facebook/myname IF( source = Instagram ) THEN redirect to instagram/myname ELSE go to End Page
I have failed to figure this out in VideoAsk (it is obviously trivial to do in Typeform). I just want to confirm that this is not currently possible in VideoAsk. Correct?
Right now it’s not possible to add variables to a step in videoask so you wouldn’t be able to set the parameter to track the source and then redirect back to that site.
I think in this case I would duplicate the videoask and have one set up for Instagram that redirects back to Instagram and one for Facebook redirecting back to Facebook, you could then send all your results to one Google Sheet if you wanted them all in one place 🤔 I guess it depends how many places you’re wanting to share the videoask as it could get a bit complicated if there are a lot.
This is something that’s already on our feature request board, so I’m adding a +1 to it, also going to tag @andrew_videoask just in case he has any other ideas for this!
What @Grace said is accurate and the most intuitive explanation; it’s not currently possible to perform logic on variables within VideoAsk.
That being said, you can certainly do this using a more advanced approach like integrating VideoAsk with The respondent would progress through the videoask, then click a button on the final step that runs some custom code. The code would look at the value of the “source” parameter and, based on it, redirect to the appropriate URL.
The only thing you couldn’t do is redirect to the VideoAsk end screen if the “source” parameter doesn’t have a value. In that case, you’d have to redirect to your own landing page since we don’t provide a direct URL to your videoask’s end screen.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.