When the US began quarantine, some friends and I started having virtual trivia nights to stay in touch and have some fun while remaining separate. I was able to use Typeform to design some pretty fun quizzes for the group.
Here’s an 80’s quiz that I made →
I was able to use a simple logic score quiz and question branching to fully customize the points system and flow of the form. It features a bonus round that users can opt into and gain (or lose) more points- otherwise, they can play it safe and proceed to the ending without the bonus points.
I incorporated gifs and images into the quiz to make it fun, and there are two endings depending on how many points were scored. I also used the recall information and variable feature to provide the questions, answers, response the user gave, and score on the ending screen.
Check it out if you wish! Beware, it's a tough one!
@john.desborough did you get a negative result? Because I got -4 or something like that.
Also, this isn’t as fun as the 80s quiz, but I use Typeform for feedback for my side gig a lot, and this one comes in super handy. When I’ve been a vendor part of other wedding packages, no one ever asked me for my feedback or even cared if I liked working with the company, so it was really important for me to create one in my own gig!
@Gabriel - I think @James has seen this already in another thread - he commented that he ‘should have known it was a demo site by the name of the school on the welcome screen’
but we are working on a production version of this with a few more bells and whistles.
@john.desborough hahah I think I got -4, and I was weirdly obsessed with the 60s-80s as a kid. Apparently not obsessed enough! I also didn’t know we could capture negative numbers in Typeform until @ryan.terry created this form….
Here’s a little demo/test I worked up over the weekend in response to a query in the Community. I thought that it would be of potential interest to some of the fellow users who are trying to figure out how to route people to ‘appropriate ending pages’ based on the answers to multiple choice questions.
Here’s the scenario-ish:
i have a series of multiple choice questions, each with the same number of possible responses that the user can select - set to unlimited choices
i want to be able to “rank” each multiple choice question based on the number of options/answers selected by the user - 1 pt per each option chosen
I want to send the user to an appropriate ending page based on the highest score
The hardest part for most people, in my eversohumble opinion, is figuring out how to make the logic inside Typeform work for them - myself included. There may be a more elegant solution to this that a ‘real Typeformer’ can recommend but here is what has worked for me, and what i use in this demo:
i used 3 multiple choice questions, each with 8 options, set to unlimited
the variables created below match up like this - q1 → variables with “a”, q2 - “b” and q3 -”c”
i created three text variables, a_gt_b, a_gt_c and B_gt_c and set them all to “no”
I created three numeric variables - agtb, agtc, bgtc and set them all to “0”
I created three ‘subtotal’ variables, to collect the total scores for each of the question “point”: cat_a, cat_b, cat_c and set them all to “0”
at the end of each question, i added 1 point per option selected to the appropriate cat_X variable
once the three questions were answered, I evaluated for the highest score by following the logic below:
add the total from question 1 (cat_a) to variable agtb
subtract the total from question 2 (cat_b) from agtb
if agtb is greater than 0, set the text variable a_gt_b to Yes, if agtb = 0, then set text variable a_gt_b to Tied
repeat for cat_a/cat_c and cat_b/cat_c
then evaluate the results for jump to logic
if variables a_gt_b and a_gt_c are both Yes, then go to ending for “Q1 score is the highest” i
if variables a_gt_b is no and b_gt_c is Yes, then go to ending for “Q2 score is the highest”
if variables a_gt_c is no and b_gt_c is no, then go to ending “Q3 score is the hightest”
note that i created evaluation logic and ending pages for ties for high score and for all scores being equal
I did not force the user to break a tie though i could have used Statement/yes-no questions for each evaluation instead of ending pages and then asked the user to break the tie on a separate question if that is how i wanted to run the logic of my form..
also note that i have put in the outputs as recalled variables throughout to help with ‘troubleshooting’ and understanding of what i am trying to do - to make sure the 7 other voices in my head can follow along.
I hope this might be useful for some other users who are trying to figure out the logic. If you would like to see some screenshots of the logic, I can arrange that too.
Hi @john.desborough this form is so cool and useful!! Thanks for sharing this!! Where do you think up these ideas ha?
@Liz - trying to solve someone’s problems/questions here in the forum and figuring out “could i use this in my business to try and get people to pay me for doing this in my business??”
here is a new ‘research’ survey that i am pushing out to help an international organization figure out how they can better reach exiting/potential members and to promote local member groups around the globe.
(currently in translation to 22 different languages)
@john.desborough oh wow! Are you creating new forms for each translation? Or do you have an initial form that asks which language and then directs them accordingly?
@john.desborough oh wow! Are you creating new forms for each translation? Or do you have an initial form that asks which language and then directs them accordingly?
that is up to the client at this point: a) put all the language versions into one form and branch appropriately, b) create separate language forms with a choice form in front and/or c) convincing them NOT to pull it into a database-driven application to run internally on the client’s platform but leave it in Typeform. (b is my fave option - cuz then i can orient the data into language tabs in Google Sheets for analysis etc. )
I actually want them to test this in Canada and US in English only first to see how this will tie into how they want to roll out and link to what the organization provides (international walking federation)
@Luis Is 6 the score you received on Ryan’s quiz? If so, congrats! That might be the first positive number I’ve heard from that form ha! It’s so challenging.