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Some of you here know that I travel a fair amount (and by fair, I mean 90% of the time), so I figured it might be fun to create a post with workplace views! Here’s mine today out near Yellowstone. :heart_eyes:


Heheh yes!! Happy for the photo, @Gabi Amaral !! How was Porto? And where’s @Gabriel ? We need proof he works! (Just kidding, we all know he works too much.)

@Paulo , you know I’m still waiting for the hair one. Any day now! 

This week, I’m over in Austin, and here’s a photo! The weather toggles between really humid and really windy. :joy:


@Gabi Amaral I loved the T-shirt!!!:joy:

Yes, @john.desborough! Is it weird I'm so happy that I'm not traveling for a while now? Haha :joy:

@Liz Porto was amazing! Family time, some wine, kids jumping on me! It was perfect! Now I guess it's your turn to have this family time with your sis, right? How long will you be there? 

@Paulo I knew you were going to like it! Everyone here in Barcelona understands what it says (As you know, Spanish and Portuguese are pretty similar). Oh yes, don't forget to send the photo with the long hair!!!! 

@Liz Great photo! I miss Austin mainly for the Blues/Jazz Clubs and the meat!

@Gabi Amaral @Liz It looks like you two won’t let go the long hair photo, huh?:joy:
I have no photo of my band era, but probably my mom has saved some old paper photo in some dusty album back in Brazil. I'll ask her next time I call home!

On other news, I've decided to keep working from home after the pandemic. Also, I’m going to move to a new apartment next month, so my view today is from my soon-to-be neighborhood. Have a wonderful week everyone!

The view from my new room/office


looking great @Paulo 

here are the colours of of the trees in our front yard (red on the left) and the neighbour across the street.. pardon the shot on garbage day (Friday morning) but it was the only sunny day in the last 7… the colours are staying late this year - usually gone mid-October. But the snowplowing company has already ‘staked’ all the driveways in anticipation of early snow… 

having all 5 seasons (yes, we include road construction as a season), Ottawa is a lovely place to live but i am looking forward to retiring to Valencia or Alicante 


@john.desborough Amazing! Look at those colours!

We have 5 season in Japan too! The road construction season begins in March, last month of the fiscal year, when the cities must to spend all the money left from the currently year budget in order to get more in the next year.:sweat_smile:

Wow, @Paulo ! What a great view! Those homes look so colorful. 

And yes, we will definitely hold you accountable for that hair photo!

@john.desborough The leaves are so beautiful! Look at that red. :heart_eyes: Growing up in Minnesota, I understand the prep for snow and road construction season ha! So weird not to have snow already, right? 

@Paulo You know this means we need a photo of the road construction!

@Gabi Amaral My sister was actually in Wisconsin when I was there for her boyfriend’s sister’s bachelorette party, so I didn’t get to see her, but I did get to have the good coffee in her apartment!

I just got into Lisbon today for the WebSummit, and of course, I have to head here at some point to eat. (Hopefully today for lunch.) There will be photos!

@Liz The road construction season starts about February/March every year, but you need to see the fences they use! It’s known to calm down angry drivers!:joy:



Loving all of the photos here! :heart_eyes:

@Paulo Congrats on the new house, that's a beautiful view!! Hopefully you'll become friends with your neighbours! Woooow...look at these fences! :joy:  This is so Japan! Is this for real?? 

@john.desborough I miss these colors! Here in Barcelona it's not like that! In Brazil, the seasons are not well-defined so I'm always amazed by these Autumn photos! 

@Liz Oooh..enjoy Ramiro on my behalf! I know so many people that are in Lisbon right now. The city must be lit! Enjoy it! 

Last week I was a bit sick, with the flu, but now I'm better. Almost 100%! As soon as I go out, I'll take some photos for you! :nerd:

it’s trying to snow.. but isn’t quite at the optimal point yet.. 


@Gabi Amaral Thanks! I can't wait to move in next month!

Yup! Those fences are pretty real! It's believed that if the kids like something the parents are more likely to like it (or at least not hate it) too. They use this concept in the road construction sites, a place drivers usually gets grumpy, to try and amenize their grumpness. It's just Japan being Japan.:rofl:

You can check a whole characters variety here!

Don't forget to let us know when the heavy snow starts, @john.desborough! I love how Canada is prepared for it. When I was in Vancouver, everything was working just fine when it was snowing! :snowflake:

@Paulo I'm excited for you! Oh, that's kind of a nice idea. I suppose they should use a lot of animes over there as well! Can't wait to visit Japan! It'd be a whole new world to explore. It's a bit scary though because of the language, the culture and how far is it from Europe. I'll make sure to ping you if I ever make it! :flag_jp:

@Gabi Amaral Yes, the differences with the western world are huge, but this would not be a problem if you come only for tourism. But if you want to work and live here, there is a lot of learning, especially cultural wise. Let me know when you arrive! =)

@Paulo I was planning to go last year! One of my best friends has a Japanese friend who lives in Osaka and he was inviting us to go. However, the pandemic stopped us from going! =/ 

We still need to think of an itinerary for this trip. Is it easy to communicate with just English, right? I think the language is one of the scariest things because it's really different! I was also researching a bit more about the prices! Well, it requires a lot of planning but I'm sure it'd be a lifetime experience! :flag_jp:

@Gabi Amaral And that's where the surprises start! After you leave the airport, it will be difficult to find locals who can speak understandable English… The reality is quite different from what Japan likes to show the rest of the world. Fortunately, translation devices works incredibly well here. I think you will love it!

@Paulo yes, I've met some Japanese people and it was pretty hard to communicate (Not that my English is amazing, but I can easily communicate!). Well, it's an adventure and I'm sure I'd find some Brazilians along the way to help me! Hahahaha :grin:

@Gabi Amaral The phonetics of the Japanese language makes correct pronunciation of other languages almost impossible, unless one learns the language as a child.

You bet! We’re everywhere! You'll find Brazilians in almost every city in Japan! I think the language thing just adds up flavor to the adventure! Hahaha!



Oh I know that, @Paulo! In fact, I met a group of six Brazilians, two Colombians and two Venezuelans this weekend here in Barcelona! We went out for a latin night with lots of salsa, bachata and reggaeton! Next time I'll record a video of me dancing and post it here! 

Where are you working from this week @john.desborough @Paulo @Kosta @TFJunkie @belinda_long @Michaela and @Liz? Looking forward to hearing what you've been up to! :wink:

I just finished watching Love is Blind Brazil on Netflix. We have heaps of Brazilians in Sydney, mostly backpackers and they get a bit of a bad wrap over here, more the blokes than chicks.
But after watching the show, the first thing I noticed was how tactile Brazilians are. 

I was working on my typeform theme and added another question thread to my main application form. It’s still growing and will continue to evolve. I am a beekeeper for many years but had a 6yr hiatus for various reasons. I just picked up a new colony of bees the other day, got my obligatory initiation bee sting. I sat with them today and it dawned on me that I really missed sitting by the hive box entrance watching the little ladies work and get on with things, its almost therapeutic for me. 

My wife is Japanese, but I speak very little, can understand a bit. She is a workaholic, and loves her new business. She ran out of fuel driving back, I had to head out and bring the car home… She always drive on and empty tank, where as I am the opposite, I don’t like it getting below half.. HAHA

Bees! My son’s favourite animal. Not sure if you’ve seen this movie @TFJunkie but it’s of the best I’ve seen in recent times. 


If you haven’t I think you’ll enjoy it. 

Oh my god, @TFJunkie! I've watched love is blind Brazil in like 2 days! Hahahah Have you watched the reunion already to see who ended up together? I did! Don't want to give any spoilers!  And you're 100% correct, Brazilians are very tactile! I know there are a lot of us in Australia, my sister lives in Brisbane for 6 years now and I've been to Aus twice, love it!!!

So nice that your wife is Japanese! @Paulo is Brazilian and lives in Japan for a lot of years! He's always coming up with nice and interesting discussions about typeform and culture overall! 

That seems like a great movie, @Gabriel! Thanks for the suggestion, will definitely check it out! 

Bees! My son’s favourite animal. Not sure if you’ve seen this movie @TFJunkie but it’s of the best I’ve seen in recent times. 


If you haven’t I think you’ll enjoy it. 

I saw it when it came out and I thought it was an awesome doco/movie. I didn't want it to end that way, wanted more of the story to unfold. I don't want to give away too much for those who haven’t seen it, but it was a visceral viewing. It’s a must see. I can talk all day about bees and beekeeping. They are not aggressive by any means, while You can't pinch them to pick them up like an ant, you can most certainly nudge them onto your finger and say hello. 


@Gabriel Check out A great American doco of the honey industry and how bees are treated and husbanded. Commercial beekeeping is a deadly business for bees and I don't endorse it at all. We should care for own honey source, 1-2 hives in our backyards and extract honey when we want it, rather than this genocidal, insensitive commercial raping of bee colonies to monetise their existence.

@Gabi Amaral Haha. I binged watched as well… I didn't like Shayan, I felt he was insincere and had an on camera alter ego, and she later confirmed it, confronted him with it and he dismissed it. Maybe he’s a narcissist?

Ana, and Dayanne were my favourites, both so cute… lol

I haven't seen the reunion, will check it out. 

@TFJunkie Oh yes, I really don't like Shayan as well...but I think the worst one is Thiago! I also don't like that Rodrigo.

I love Dayanne and also Luana! Let me know when you watch the reunion, it's on youtube but I'm not sure if there are subtitles in English. 

Have you watched the American version as well? I did and I loved it as well! Hahaha, it's fun!

@Paulo You should watch this as well! To remember a little bit about Brazil! :joy:

@Gabi Amaral  The American version was crazy! OMG… My head was spinning sometimes. And the reunion was nuts, alot of forced acting. And the red headed guy… who brought that lebo bimbo to the party,,, what a waste of energy that poor latino girl was putting into him. She’s so cute, guys would have been drooling over her after that show and she was so loyal to a guy who was a flake.

And the engineer, totally cold shouldering the older woman who tried it out with the Mexican, was he Mexican?  He needed permission from his possessive wife to talk to her, he was like a schoolboy!

I was way too wild (free-spirited) at that age to get controlled like that.
