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Worst/best Dad jokes

At the behest of @Liz here – and to give an outlet to those of us who can’t resist the need to have fun with puns, I hereby declare the Dad joke smackdown open...


Why did the can-crusher quit his job? Because it was soda-pressing


Come on Typeform community, do your worst…



225 replies

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Bravo @john.desborough an udderly awful joke to end the week. Wishing you and the rest of the Typefarm Cowmunity a relaxing weekend 🐮

and that’s no bull @James too.. have a great weekend one and all



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@James @Liz @Grace --

Dad: did you hear about the new restaurant that just opened up in the mall, called “Karma” 

Daughter: What do they serve there?

Dad: just desserts


Tuesday oh Tuesday wherefore art thou?



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@john.desborough 🤣


Which celebrity is always ready for cereal? 

Reese with her spoon

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Is it sad that I immediately thought you were doing a Taylor Swift reference with the karma bit, @john.desborough ? 🤣

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Is it sad that I immediately thought you were doing a Taylor Swift reference with the karma bit, @john.desborough ? 🤣

@Liz - while my wee beastie loves T-Swift and wants me to take her to a concert, I don’t follow her enough to know any of her songs other than Shake it Off .. which plays about 20 times a day at our hours… I keep telling her to Let it Go but she feels Under Pressure until she can remember the words to You’re Welcome… 



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@James @Liz @Grace 


Where to bad rainbows go? To prism. It's a light sentence, but it gives then time to reflect.



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haha. colour me tickled pink @john.desborough Trust hue to come up with it. Iris my glass to you

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i would have sent you to the dark side of the moon (prismatically speaking) if you did not refract your laser light show … 


and yay Lions for a 90th minute goal (instead of penalties) … bring on Spain v England!



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for you @James 



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GROAN 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻 @john.desborough ...or four jedis (they always use the fours)

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i think we should not drink San Miguel during working hours, @James 



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nuff said…



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HAHAHA. Love that one @john.desborough 

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i could not resist @Grace 

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hahaha @john.desborough 😆 terrible, love it!


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@Liz - life of the digital nomad?



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cuz @James is on hols.. methinks


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🤦🤦🤦 @john.desborough back from hols today. As alooful as this joke is I’ve missed this kind of chaat. Hope you and the rest of our friends here are doing well!

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welcome back @James .. hope you enjoyed your hols!

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@James - could knot resist…. 



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@john.desborough I wood expect nothing less than you. You’re planely a-plying yourself with your warped sense of humour. Planks for your contribution.

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@James - Happy Monday from the colony


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Groan @john.desborough check these howlers out, which were voted the best jokes of this year’s Fringe:


Fun fact: The guy who’s joke came second is actually an ole school pal of mine.

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good to know that at least one of the students has a sense of humour … lol.. jk @James 


i heard there were some good shows at the Fringe..


