At the behest of @Lizhere – and to give an outlet to those of us who can’t resist the need to have fun with puns, I hereby declare the Dad joke smackdown open...
Why did the can-crusher quit his job? Because it was soda-pressing
This one relates not so much as a dad joke, unless you are old enough to have seen the movie in the theatre.. but with winter and spring doing the tug of war here in eastern Canada, i thought this was appropriate ..
Hahah @john.desborough sadly (or happily, depending how you look at it) I remember this movie coming out (and practicing “that” kick for many hours).
We’ve also had some pretty on-off weather here in Spain, where the rule is Hasta el cuarenta de mayo no te quites el sayo (basically, don’t take off your coat until the 40th May - so June 9th). Some people swear by it and I’ve seen folks in 30-degree heat strolling about in a puffer jacket 😅
lol.. that is sort of the same as the Farmers Almanac and its planting advice… going to be a nice day here .. hopefully will get out and walk around the hood to check up on how well the potholes are growing..