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About our Community

  • January 21, 2021
  • 0 replies
About our Community
Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14840 replies

The Typeform Community is a central resource for you to connect with other Typeform and VideoAsk creators, learn from one another, and build relationships with your peers. You never know who you may meet here! 😊


You can get started in this community by: 

  • Asking your burning questions to the wider community in the Q&A sections

  • Sharing tips and helpful workarounds you’ve encountered while building your forms

  • Engaging with other community members to build connections

  • Helping other members by providing advice on best practices related to specific industries 

  • Attend and/or participate in webinars and handy workshops. 


In the community, we’ll do our best to help you with your challenges. Bear in mind that answers will often come from fellow community members as opposed to Typeform/VideoAsk staff. This is great news, as there are a lot of folks using our products who can give you great advice. 

The community team is always here if you need extra help though, so if you need us we’ll be more than happy to lend a helping hand.


 Below you can see current staff hours and response times in the community:


Staff hours: The Community Team is often seen here from Monday to Friday during working hours (EU & US) but they take a well deserved break during weekends.


Response times: The average community response time during the week is 10 hours - it may take longer during weekends. The good new is that you’ll often get a response much quicker! However do bear in mind this isn’t an official support channel. 


Check the post below to meet our lovely community team:


When to contact our awesome support team


Many of your peers will have the answers here, but if you can’t find answers or have specific issue related only to your form, here are some specific cases in which you should contact support: 


1. If you have an issue which requires a third-party to log into your account or share private account details

2. If you need assistance regarding your subscription or payment information

3. If your typeform/videoask isn’t working, there are a few steps you can take to fix your form that may help save time. First, check our Typeform Status Page or VideoAsk Status Page for known issues. If all systems are functioning, check this article here for additional Typeform troubleshooting steps and this one for VideoAsk troubleshooting steps.


If you want to get in touch with the Typeform support team please read the guide below:  


And finally, you can meet and greet other Community members over in our Coffee Talk section here. Feel free to join in any of the existing conversations or start a new one! 


See you around the Community! 💛

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