Facebook Pixel Domain Verification | Community
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Facebook Pixel Domain Verification

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Community Team
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  • November 22, 2021
Gabriel wrote:

Hey @Romulo thanks for joining our community. You’re totally right, this is talking too long. 

I’ve been talking to the team in the last couple of weeks about this - we definitely haven’t forgotten. 

The Typeform engineering team has finished most of the work required to solve this problem but there’s a final step that’s not in our hands. We’re waiting for Facebook to validate the new public suffix that will enable the integration to work again. 

I’m hoping to bring more news next week. This is also frustrating for us as we’re waiting on them to give us the green light to get this up and running. 

I’ll keep you posted.  


Hi @k1m This is the most current update we have at the moment, but as always, any further updates on this we’ll post here.

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • November 29, 2021

Hi Team, 

Thanks for your hard work on this.  

I’ve used typeform in the past, and purchased TODAY because of ease of use and the VERY CLEAR statement that you support Facebook Advertising pixel. 

So, i go about building everything i want, setting up ads, redirects, the whole nine. 

Only to find out it doesn’t work! I cannot tell you how incredibly frustrated I am with this product.

Hours sunk in your product instead of someone elses because you promised something you are in no way able to deliver on. And YES i’ve spent 2 hours trying to get the GD workaround that someone else figured out working without success. 


It would take your team 2 minutes to update your pricing page and the above link to clearly state that this is a work in progress.  It is SO FRUSTRATING to see that you KNOW this is an issue but fail to address it on your most visible pages.

Have a shred of integrity and just own that it isn’t working and TELL YOUR CUSTOMERS AND PROSPECTS. 

This is in no way a criticism of the engineers or hard work that the customer care team (Thank you Liz!) is putting into this. This is a marketing and business decision to be knowingly dishonest. 

Community Team
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  • November 29, 2021

Hi @chasesfish Thanks for joining the community and stopping by! :grinning:

One thing to note is that our Facebook Pixel integration does work when used standalone in the form. If you embed the form, that’s where the issues arise, and part of the reason this is taking so long to fix is that the fix relies on Facebook’s team to help us with the solution as well. 

Of course, I do agree that this is confusing when looking at the pricing page, and we certainly didn’t know how long this would take to fix (as it’s been impossible to have an accurate ETA). That said, our team is close to having this completed, and you can follow the page here for updates. 

If you haven’t had success with the workaround, I would strongly suggest contacting our support team here (if you haven’t already!) to get some help. Our tech team is more than happy to see what you have setup so far and also see why it isn’t working. 

Hopefully knowing that a fix is coming sheds a little bit of happiness into your Monday!

  • Community Team
  • 857 replies
  • December 2, 2021

Hey @chasesfish you’re making a good point regarding Typeform being clearer about the current limitations of this integration. I’m taking your comments internally hoping we can make some changes on our site to make things clear. 

Thanks for flagging this and your kind words about our Care and engineering teams. I can tell you they’re much appreciated. 

  • Explorer
  • 9 replies
  • December 9, 2021

Is there an update on this? I just got an updated error for my Typeform pixel from FB, saying: 

Due to Apple's iOS 14 changes, only up to 8 conversion events sent through pixels from a single domain can be used for ad delivery optimization to people who have opted out of tracking on iOS 14.5 or later devices. You can't use any of the events you're sending through this pixel to optimize for ad delivery. This may be because the domain where this pixel is placed already has the maximum amount of events prioritized for optimization through another pixel.

Of course, I can’t manage events for Typeform site.

Also, where can I find pixel support help? Liz said that “...our Facebook Pixel integration does work when used standalone in the form. If you embed the form, that’s where the issues arise, and part of the reason this is taking so long to fix is that the fix relies on Facebook’s team to help us with the solution as well.” Does using Typeform in an Instagram Story ad count as embedding? Where can I find info on what currently works and what does not?

Community Team
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  • December 16, 2021

Hi @csladden Thanks for stopping by the community! We’ll have an update in a few weeks on the status of the Facebook Pixel, but in the meantime, if you’re sending folks from your IG story to the Typeform URL directly (instead of a webpage where you have the Typeform embedded), the Facebook Pixel should still work this way. 

  • Explorer
  • 9 replies
  • December 16, 2021

Thanks Liz! But then why am I getting this specific error: “Review 1 pixel not optimized for ad delivery...Pixel that isn't able to optimize for events: Honeycomb's first ad account's Pixel.” This is the pixel we are using through Typeform from an IG Story ad that leads to Typeform’s URL, e.g 

Here’s my typeform for reference. 

Community Team
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  • December 17, 2021

Hi @csladden Hm, I would suggest reaching out to IG directly for more information on the error. They’ll have a better idea of what specifically isn’t being optimized and what needs to be fixed. 

  • Community Team
  • 857 replies
  • December 22, 2021

Hi all. 

I’ve finally got good news so share with you regarding this issue. 


The PSL request was approved last week, our engineers have validated the solution and it all seems to work back again. The fix should be released very, very soon. 


We’re preparing a Help Center article to share how the new solution works. As soon as that’s ready you’ll be the first to know. 

Something to bear in mind is that anything to do with PSL changes needs to be updated at a browser level - meaning that, once the fix is released, it should become effective after your next browser update. 

More on this once the Help Center article is live. 

Thanks all for you patience. We know this has been frustrating and we really appreciate everyone keeping things cool and constructive during the last months. 

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5266 replies
  • December 22, 2021

@Gabriel - yay!! 



  • Community Team
  • 857 replies
  • December 22, 2021
john.desborough wrote:

@Gabriel - yay!! 



This one made me sweat, Des 😅

  • Community Team
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  • Answer
  • December 27, 2021

Hello folks. I’ve got good news for you 👏


A solution to the Facebook Pixel issues with iOS14 has been released. 


Let me do a whole analysis of what happened and the solution our product and engineering teams have created:



Apple released a new privacy protocol for iOS14 in April that affects domain verification and campaigns set up on Facebook. 

As a consequence, most of our customers were not able to track their Facebook campaigns with Typeform through the FB Pixel integration.


Allow our customers to use a new subdomain that can be validated in Facebook (as it is part of the PSL - Public Suffix List).

To implement this solution we have coordinating efforts from 6 different teams at Typeform  (a real cross-team effort). 



Solution has been released to production. Please read this Help Center article to understand how to add Facebook Pixel to a typeform. 


Important notes:

  • This solution has taken longer than we all wanted. There’re two main reasons for this: 1) understanding how to craft the best solution for a problem that wasn’t caused by Typeform. 2) Mozilla volunteers, who are in charge of maintaining the public suffix list (PSL), got flooded by requests to add new domains to the PSL. 
  • Browsers don’t update their copy of the PSL on any guaranteed schedule. The new public suffix will be added to the list within your next browser(s) update. 
  • We have thoroughly tested the solution, if you are still experiencing issues let us know the quickest way to get help is contacting our support team. 


Thanks for your patience within the past months. We’re all relieved we have finally been able to implement a solution. 

Any issue do keep us posted on this thread. 

  • Explorer
  • 12 replies
  • December 27, 2021
Gabriel wrote:
Show content

Hello folks. I’ve got good news for you 👏


A solution to the Facebook Pixel issues with iOS14 has been released. 


Let me do a whole analysis of what happened and the solution our product and engineering teams have created:



Apple released a new privacy protocol for iOS14 in April that affects domain verification and campaigns set up on Facebook. 

As a consequence, most of our customers were not able to track their Facebook campaigns with Typeform through the FB Pixel integration.


Allow our customers to use a new subdomain that can be validated in Facebook (as it is part of the PSL - Public Suffix List).

To implement this solution we have coordinating efforts from 6 different teams at Typeform  (a real cross-team effort). 



Solution has been released to production. Please read this Help Center article to understand how to add Facebook Pixel to a typeform. 


Important notes:

  • This solution has taken longer than we all wanted. There’re two main reasons for this: 1) understanding how to craft the best solution for a problem that wasn’t caused by Typeform. 2) Mozilla volunteers, who are in charge of maintaining the public suffix list (PSL), got flooded by requests to add new domains to the PSL. 
  • Browsers don’t update their copy of the PSL on any guaranteed schedule. The new public suffix will be added to the list within your next browser(s) update. 
  • We have thoroughly tested the solution, if you are still experiencing issues let us know the quickest way to get help is contacting our support team. 


Thanks for your patience within the past months. We’re all relieved we have finally been able to implement a solution. 

Any issue do keep us posted on this thread. 



  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5266 replies
  • December 27, 2021

@Gabriel - this is a great piece of news just before New Year! kudos to all the teams!


  • Navigating the Land
  • 3 replies
  • January 21, 2022

@Gabriel awesome that this is resolved now. I have a question: if we have used Google Tag Manager to track Typeforms, is there any other way of verifying the Typeform domain than by connecting the Facebook Pixel to the Typeforms? I’m asking this because we would then send irrelevant/duplicate events to our Pixel if we would have both the Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixel integration in use. Additionally, we would like to keep Google Tag Manager because it provides us the flexibility to create different kinds of triggers for different events. Thanks for your help!

Community Team
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  • January 21, 2022

Hi @Genero This is the only process we have for now for verifying the domain to connect to Facebook Pixel (at least that I’m aware of). Are you basically adding the FB pixel to your form through GTM? If so, we would suggest adding them separately any way instead of injecting code onto the form (as it can cause performance issues). 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 3 replies
  • January 24, 2022
Liz wrote:

Hi @Genero This is the only process we have for now for verifying the domain to connect to Facebook Pixel (at least that I’m aware of). Are you basically adding the FB pixel to your form through GTM? If so, we would suggest adding them separately any way instead of injecting code onto the form (as it can cause performance issues). 


Yes we are using GTM to track Typeform’s because it gives much more flexibility to create different events using different triggers. Can you please look into a way of verifying the domain for users that utilize GTM instead of direct Typeform > Facebook Pixel integration? I’m sure I’m not the only one using the GTM method of tracking.

Community Team
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  • January 24, 2022

Thanks for clarifying, @Genero ! We aren’t actively looking into an option to verify domains for those implementing the Facebook Pixel through GTM, though if this changes, we’ll post any updates here. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 3 replies
  • January 25, 2022
Liz wrote:

Thanks for clarifying, @Genero ! We aren’t actively looking into an option to verify domains for those implementing the Facebook Pixel through GTM, though if this changes, we’ll post any updates here. 

Do I have to add all the typeforms we track using the Facebook Pixel integration? Or is it enough to connect one to get the domain verification?

Community Team
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  • January 26, 2022

Hi @Genero You would need to set this up for each individual form. 

  • Navigating the Land
  • 1 reply
  • April 9, 2024
Pedro wrote:

Thank you for your quick answer!