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I am trying to implement Google Ads Enhanced Conversion on Typeform. It required an email address(form data) as User-provided data through dataLayer in Tag Manager. Is there any way to get an email address(form data) on Typeform submission or any alternative way to implement Google Ads Enhanced Conversion on Typeform?

Hi @rick.harington Happy Monday! We don’t currently send submission data through our Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager integration at this time. 

Liz--it’s hard to believe (considering the privacy push), that your form will not accept a datalayer variable that can be sent to an event in GTM for Enhanced Conversions  This is crucial for people running paid search campaigns through Google Ads.  The datalayer ‘hashes’ aka encrypts the data to share between platforms in a ‘cookieless’ way for privacy (first-party data).  I was going to sign up for your forms but i cannot have a form that will not give me the ability to add custom datalayers.  Can you confirm this (i almost can’t believe it).   

Hi @davidwclausen I can definitely share this feedback with the product team. 😀

@Liz I agree with @davidwclausen this is a key feature which should be a high priority. Accessing the provided user data via data layer in GTM is a necessary feature in 2023. Please just make this available. It doesn’t have to be an integrated one-click solution for Google Ads. People using enhanced conversions are tech-savvy so they know their way around GTM and the data layer.

Enhanced conversions is going to be required in the near future, and if they cannot be set up with Typeform, I will need to go to an alternative platform. I just tried setting them up with my Google rep and they failed. 

Hi, is there any update on Typeform working with Google Enhanced Conversions? We are now at a point where my client is asking us to find another form solution due to the inability for Typeform to send form results via GTM in order to successfully implement Google Enhanced Conversions.

Hi @davidwclausen I can definitely share this feedback with the product team. 😀

What is the status of this?

Hi @onebrand this isn’t on the roadmap, but if that changes, I’ll post so here. 😀

I cant belive.. then, what can I do with the tag manager conection? the enhaced conversions are also crucial for us, we will find another way to do the forms if this is not in your road map...

Hi @pepote Quite a few customers user Google Tag Manager to add additional tracking codes to our typeforms. 😀

Hi @rick.harington Happy Monday! We don’t currently send submission data through our Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager integration at this time. 

Hi @davidwclausen I can definitely share this feedback with the product team. 😀


Hi, what is the status of being able to use Google Enhanced Conversions with Typeform. Cookies have begun being deprecated by Google so it’s vital that Enhanced Conversions be enabled for my Google Ads campaigns, and I’m sure for many other Typeform users. I will need to switch to a different form provider if Enhanced Conversions aren’t enabled very soon.

Hi @nickmac I’m asking our product team for any updates on this. 😀 I’ll post here when I’ve heard back from them. 

Hi @nickmac I’m asking our product team for any updates on this. 😀 I’ll post here when I’ve heard back from them. 

Thanks Liz, that would be great if you could post back here to let us know what they say.

+1 this feature is absolutely crucial, thanks


Hi @Liz 


Any update on this? It would be worth passing this on to management as well as the product team as Typeform will likely lose a lot of customers if they don’t make this feature available.


Thanks, Nick

Hi @nickmac No updates at the moment, but I’ve pinged the product team again. 😀

Hi @Liz 

We really need this as well. If we don’t upgrade to enhanced conversions it will seriously impact our Google Ads, which is our main advertising channel!


Any updates appreciated


Hi @fisheyes11 I’m afraid I don’t have any updates at this time, but if that changes, you’ll hear about it here. 😀

Hi @Liz, any updates? Is it possible to escalate this issue with your product team as it seems they’re not really looking at it? I would prefer to keep my forms with Typeform but will definitely need to move to a new service if this isn’t resolved soon. We’re coming up really quickly to the point the enhanced conversions will be 100% necessary. Thanks.

Hi @nickmac I’m afraid I don’t have any updates at this time, as this isn’t currently on their roadmap. As always, if that changes, you’ll hear about it here first!

Hi @nickmac  @fisheyes11 , 

I tried to find a workaround to this and MAY have found the solution to it (it says on my Google Ads platform that Enhanced Conversions is active now)


Step 1: Create New Variable for ‘Email’

  • Variable Type: DOM Element
  • Selection Method: CSS Selector
  • Attribute Name: value
  • I named it Email1

Step 2: Create New Variable for Phone Number

  • Variable Type: DOM Element
  • Selection Method: CSS Selector
  • Element Selector: inputrtype+tel]
  •  Attribute Name: value
  • I named it PhoneNumber

Step 3: Create A New Variable for User-Provided Data

  • Select ‘User-Provided Data’ (I’m not sure if the selection on this matters)
  • Select ‘Manual Configuration’
    • Email: Select {{Email1}}
    • Phone Number: Select {{PhoneNumber}}

Step 4: Tag Configuration for Google Ads Conversion Tracking

  • Tag Type: Google Ads Conversion Tracking
  • Conversion ID: find your ConversionID and copy and paste here
  • Conversion Label: I believe this is in your Google Ads as well
  • Select “Include user-provided data from your website”
    • Select {{User-Provided Data}}

Step 5: Ensure your tag is linked to your TypeformSubmit event on TypeForm


Then if you use tag assistant, you should see that it is picking up email and phone number and then it should be passed on via Tag Manager. Let me know if this works for you guys!

You’re our hero, @propfunnel !!

Let us know how this goes for you, @nickmac @fisheyes11 @vincent1234 @pepote @onebrand @davidwclausen @protelo @trara_digital_agency 

Sorry forgot to add the input type for this step, revised for the email variable step:

Step 1: Create New Variable for ‘Email’

  • Variable Type: DOM Element
  • Selection Method: CSS Selection
  • inputntype=email]
  • Attribute Name: value
  • I named it Email1

Sorry forgot to add the input type for this step, revised for the email variable step:

Step 1: Create New Variable for ‘Email’

  • Variable Type: DOM Element
  • Selection Method: CSS Selection
  • inputntype=email]
  • Attribute Name: value
  • I named it Email1

Hi @propfunnel 

Thanks for this. 

Did you do this with a Google Tag Manager connection to the form? Have you confirmed that it worked? I would have to upgrade to a Business plan to connect GTM, it would be good to know if this ended up working for you before I upgrade.


I agree with all the opinions that this is a must-have feature and is essential in paid campaigns. I will try to implement the @propfunnel solution but our intention was that typeform could pass that information on the thank you page which is where we track all the conversion data.

We need to implement this with different clients 😅
